Semper Solaris Blog
Originally Published March 29th, 2019. Updated January 6th, 2021. In Southern California, Rancho San Diego is known for it's sunny, comfortable climate and overall year-round good weather. It’s one of those places that is just made for taking advantage of solar energy. While it's never “too late” to install solar panels in Rancho San Diego in our books, there are some things that are a little time sensitive to keep in mind. For instance, if you are looking to maximize your savings on a solar panel system, there are some incentives, credits and rebates that will be expiring soon or in the near future. That’s why we recommend jumping on the solar bandwagon sooner than later! Don’t Miss Out On Major Savings You can always save when switching to solar -- especially with the rising popularity and development of solar technology driving the cost for production down -- but why not save even more by taking advantage of incentives as well? Here are some of the timelines to be aware of:
Originally published September 13th, 2018. Updated on January 6th, 2021. Over the past decade, homeowners interested in solar power for their home enjoyed a sunny surprise. A combination of strong renewable energy incentives on the federal and local level, as well as improving technology and growing manufacturing efficiencies has led to a continual drop in the cost of solar. In fact, if you purchase solar panels today you may pay up to 60% less than your neighbors who purchased the same sized solar power system ten years ago! With this information in mind, it might seem like a smart move to wait to purchase solar panels until the price drops even further. Unfortunately, some big political changes are creating a lot of volatility in the market, which may steadily bump up the price of solar panels. Now could actually be the very best time to purchase solar panels before prices continue to climb. Let’s look at some of the big changes that are happening in the solar world and how future changes could affect the price of solar power for your home even more! The United States Announces Solar Tariffs One of the Trump Administration’s favorite weapons is the tariff, which acts as a tax on imports of materials and goods from other countries. The Administration has been serious about instituting protectionist trade policies. Over the past year, President Trump has announced tariffs on over $200 billion in goods, including tariffs on steel, aluminum, washing machines, flat screen televisions, medical devices, and even airplane parts. One of the very first tariffs the president announced was a 30% tariff on all solar imports into the United States, which includes solar cells and solar modules. Semper Solaris offers you the freedom to choose American-made solar panels. This tariff has already had a major impact on the solar industry. According to Popular Science, roughly 80% of solar installations in the United States use imported solar panels, mostly from Malaysia, South Korea, China, Thailand, and Vietnam. When the price increases on these panels, solar manufacturers and installers tend to pass these costs onto consumers. Solar customers are already starting to feel the pain of this tariff. According to an investigation by Reuters, U.S. companies have canceled or frozen roughly $2.5 billion in large solar installation projects. What do the solar tariffs mean for you as a homeowner? While larger solar utilities will feel the brunt of the solar tariffs, individual homeowners won’t be left unscathed. Analysts are already predicting that the tariffs will lead to a shortage of solar panels, which will hike prices. A Bloomberg New Energy report predicted that solar utilities could see a 10% increase in the cost of solar, while homeowners may face a 3% cost increase for residential solar projects. Here at Semper Solaris, we strive to use American-made solar parts. While American-made solar equipment won’t be directly affected by the tariffs, our costs could also go up as other installers switch to American-made equipment. As competition for American-made solar panels goes up, so will prices! The Solar Investment Tax Credit Is Slated to End in 2022 Over the past decade, the solar sector has grown an average of 68% each year. One of the biggest drivers of this explosive growth was the creation of the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) in 2006. The ITC allows homeowners and commercial businesses to deduct 26% of the total cost of their solar installation from their taxes. This deduction can even be rolled over to the next year if the deduction is greater than your total tax bill. In essence, the ITC is a 26% discount on the cost of solar. That often results in thousands of dollars of savings for individual homeowners who invest in solar. The ITC is a powerful incentive, which makes solar much more affordable for individual homeowners as well as commercial interests that invest millions to create massive solar farms. In many ways, the ITC has been instrumental in speeding up the transition in the United States from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. However, all good things much eventually come to an end. The ITC was created to help make solar more competitive as it got established in the United States. It was originally slated to expire in 2007, but the program has been working so well that Congress has extended the expiration date several times. The ITC began diminishing in 2020. In 2019, the tax deduction remained at 30%, but if you were to invest in solar power for your home in 2020, the deduction was lower to 26% and then to 22% in 2021. In 2022, the ITC will expire completely for homeowners. Homeowners should prepare for the worst and assume that the ITC will not be extended past 2022. Local Renewable Energy Incentives Are Going Away The federal government isn’t the only one who wants to help make solar more affordable. All across the country and especially in California, local cities and municipalities have poured money into programs that provide tax incentives and rebates to homeowners who go solar. However, there is a limit to how much these local entities can payout. In many instances, once the initial investment is used up, it’s gone for good. This is exactly what happened for customers of three major California utility customers – Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Through the California Solar Initiative, each of these utilities was given a fund which they used to provide rebates for commercial and residential solar customers. Solar became so popular in the Golden State, that all three utilities used up their funds, putting an end to the rebates. Fortunately, not all local rebates programs have given up the ghost. Customers of the state’s largest utility, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) still has an active incentive program, which provides a rebate of $0.25 per watt for new solar projects. Rebates may also still be available for residents of Glendale, Pasadena, and San Francisco. However, there’s no telling how long these programs will continue. Local rebates and other solar incentives can save homeowners hundreds or even thousands of dollars off the cost of their solar projects, but they are disappearing fast. If you are fortunate to qualify for a local program, there’s no time to lose. Start searching for local California solar installers in your area right away so you can take advantage of these incentives before they are gone. Otherwise, you’ll be paying even more for solar power for your home when the local government could have picked up the tab! Don’t Try to Time the Market to Get Solar Power for Your Home Many financial gurus like to tell their followers, “never try to time the stock market.” You may wait so long for the perfect conditions to either buy or sell stocks that you’ll miss valuable growth opportunities and end up financially worse off than if you’d just invested steadily each month. The stock market is incredibly difficult to predict, and even expert mutual fund managers rarely outperform the indexes. The solar market isn’t much clearer. While the price of solar panels has steadily dropped over the last decade, that trend may not last much longer. With the Trump Administration’s hefty solar tariffs coming on top of the expiration of helpful federal and local solar incentives, the price of solar panels is likely to rise in the near future. Will prices continue to go up, or will they drop back down as solar technology and manufacturing efficiencies improve? What happens if a future administration eliminates the solar tariff or Congress decides to extend the ITC? All of these things are impossible to predict, which means trying to wait for the perfect time to purchase solar panels may be as futile as trying to predict the stock market. That’s why now is the perfect time to invest in solar. While we can’t tell you for sure that solar prices will continue to rise, but we can tell you with absolute accuracy that you will begin saving money the moment your solar system comes online. The sooner you invest in solar panels for your home, the sooner you’ll begin saving on your monthly utility bill and the faster your solar panels will pay for themselves! There’s no reason to wait. If you invest in solar this year or in 2019, you can still take advantage of the valuable ITC. Contact Semper Solaris today. We have local offices throughout California, and we would be glad to help you qualify for any available local solar rebates or tax incentives. Request a free, no-pressure energy analysis of your home right now!
Originally published May 24th 2018. Updated January 6th 2021 to reflect changes to the Federal Tax Credit. Is it feeling a little hot in here? Perhaps it’s because the summer months are quickly approaching, or maybe you just opened up your electricity bill. There are so many wonderful reasons that California is a great place to build a home, but cost of living isn’t one of them. In fact, we have the seventh-highest energy rates in the whole country! As temperatures creep up and air conditioners start humming across the Golden State, electric bills can start creeping up as well. Solar panel installation is a great way to lower your energy bill (and decrease your carbon footprint), but what are some other ways to cool your energy usage and save? Let’s take a look at some easy-to-implement options. Solar Panel Installation We are a solar panel company, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that we think solar panels offer you a great solution to lowering or eliminating your electric bill altogether. Buying Solar Panels for Your House If you choose to purchase solar panels out-of-pocket, you’ll be making a significant upfront investment, but it will pay off. According to Energy Sage, the average 6 KW (kilowatt) system will cost California residents $11,928 to $15,204 when they take advantage of the federal government’s generous 26% tax rebate (which, unfortunately, won’t last much longer). A 6 KW solar panel system is one of the most common sizes we install, and it covers the energy needs of a typical, mid-sized home. Buying solar panels for your house isn’t cheap, but the average system pays itself off in seven years. When you keep in mind that solar panels are estimated to last anywhere from 25 to 40 years, you can see the potential for big savings down the road, especially because the panels themselves add value to your home! It’s estimated that over 20 years of life, solar panels can save the average homeowner in Los Angeles $50,000! Solar Leases and Power Purchase Agreements Of course, not everyone has $12,000 sitting in their bank account. California residents can still save on electricity by choosing a solar panel lease or a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Both of these options offer no upfront payment. Instead, the solar panel installation company owns the solar panels and charges homeowners a set rate for the energy they use, which is less than what they would pay the electric company. The beauty of this system is that as energy rates increase (and they always do), homeowners with a solar lease or PPA will increase their savings. Whether you purchase solar panels or choose a solar lease or PPA, you’ll still want to keep your energy usage as low as possible during the long, hot California summer. If you use more energy than the solar power system for your home was designed to produce, you could still end up paying big bucks to the utility companies. Here are some other tips to lower your energy usage during summer. Save on Air Conditioning Nothing feels better on a scorching day than the sweet whisper of cool air pouring through the vents when your air conditioner kicks on. However, your air conditioner also happens to be an energy hog! The typical air conditioner guzzles 15,000 watts of electricity per hour. Compare that to the average desktop computer, which hums along just fine on 400 watts per hour. California charges on average $0.15 per kilowatt, meaning your air conditioning will set you back an average of $2.25 for every hour it’s on. If it’s running six hours a day, you’ll be paying $94.50 every week! That doesn’t mean you need to unplug your air conditioner for good and resign yourself to the fact that your home will morph into a sweat lodge for the next few months. Instead, there are a few simple things you can do to reign in the costs. Change Your Air Conditioning Filter You do know that you’re supposed to change out the filter on your air conditioner every three months, right? Filters are cheap (usually less than $10 each) and can improve the efficiency of your air conditioner. New filters can also make your home cleaner by filtering out dust and other outdoor irritants. Increase Your Air Conditioning Temperature In a perfect world, you’d put your air conditioning on the minute the temperature ticked up to 72 degrees, but let’s be honest. You can probably survive just fine without air conditioning for another two or three degrees, right? If you can cut the amount of time you use your air conditioning just one hour each day by setting your air conditioning on a higher temperature, the average Californian could save nearly $70 a month! Don’t Cool Empty Rooms If you’re the only one in the house, or you and your family are heading to bed, close the vents in the other rooms. There’s no need for your air conditioner to cool off your microwave in the kitchen or your couch in the living room! Use a Fan Another smart idea is to take advantage of a fan, which uses much less energy. If you have a ceiling fan, turn it on. You might be surprised how just getting a nice breeze can help you feel much cooler. If you don’t have a ceiling fan, invest in a floor fan or even a desktop fan. This option is especially good if you are home alone and don’t want to go through the hassle of closing all the vents. Now you can keep the temperature in your room comfortable without having to turn on the air conditioning to cool the entire house! A Few Other Cost-Saving Tips Making the changes above to how you use your air conditioner can help you save on electricity costs in the summer, but that’s not all you can do. Here are a few more quick tips that you can use to cut your energy usage all year round. Play the Variable Price Game Some utility companies throughout California have been rolling out “variable pricing,” which increases the cost of electricity during certain set times of the day when demand is the highest. Find out if you have a variable price plan and then determine which time periods will cost you the most. It shouldn’t be too hard to run the dishwasher or the washer and dryer outside of those hours. Limit Your Hungriest Power Users Your air conditioning unit isn’t the only device in your home that loves to gobble up electricity. Your washer and dryer use 4,000 watts per hour and your water pump uses 3,000 watts per hour. So make sure you fill up the washer with each load. If you have half a load ready to go, see if you can double up with one of your family members. (Just don’t let them talk you into folding all their socks and underwear too!) Also, if you have a heated pool or jacuzzi that you only use on the weekends, pull the plug during the week. If no one’s using it, don’t spend energy and money on it! Turn Off the Lights Let the long hours of daylight give you all the illumination you need for as long as the sun is up. Lightbulbs, especially the energy-efficient LED bulbs that most of us use, only sip small amounts of energy, but it can still add up. According to Spark Energy, 10 lightbulbs running for six hours a day will cost you $120 a year. That’s not exactly a king’s ransom, but we bet you can find a lot of better ways to use that money. Plus, lowering your energy bill is only part of the benefit of using less energy. By flipping off your light switch, you can also lower the amount of carbon you contribute to the environment. It’s Time to Save There are all sorts of ways that you can cut your energy usage this summer and save on your electric bill. Some tips are as easy as flicking off a light switch in an unoccupied room or running the dishwasher an hour later. Others will require a bigger investment, like solar panel installation, which will pay off big in the end. Every step you take to cut power is a step in the right direction to lower your energy bills and to be a little more energy wise. We hope that you and your family have an amazing summer! And if now is the time for you to invest in solar power for your home, please give us a call to schedule a free energy analysis.
As the temperature begins to rise in sunny California, electricity bills climb up as well. We—your local Granada Hills Semper Solaris—offer you a way out of that vicious cycle. We’re here to enable your freedom from the stack of bills and mounting stress by going solar! Forget that monthly energy bill and put the beautiful Granada Hills sunshine to use. We have everything you need to begin your life of independence and freedom here at Semper Solaris. The Best Service in Granada Hills As with each of our locations, your Semper Solaris in Granada Hills offers the 5-star service you deserve. We don’t expect you to know everything about solar panels, but that’s exactly what you can and should expect from us. It makes us proud to honestly state that our team of contractors and employees have the experience, expertise, and exemplary customer service that makes other companies strive to be like us. Our team of expert representatives and solar contractors in Granada Hills will be able to answer any questions you may have about going solar. Such as questions regarding the benefits, or the different types of solar panels. Any information you may need about our manufacturers, installation, maintenance, or financing is just a phone call away. Any and all of your concerns or uncertainties will be settled with the excellent customer service you will receive at the best solar company in Granada Hills - Semper Solaris. Our solar representatives in Granada Hills work directly with you. It’s our goal to understand exactly what you want to accomplish by going solar. Your personal contractor will specifically tailor your solar experience to fit with your goals. By teaming up with you, we make your mission our mission. We’re in it for you. We’re not here just for the sale. Our main goal is that you leave this Semper Solaris expedition a happy and satisfied customer. In other words, our team is here to give you what you need to make your solar dreams a reality. We won’t sell you products you don’t want or that don’t fit within your specific budget. You’re not going to get haggled into anything. We take responsibility for and pride in the work we do, and we honestly know that our success is because of you, the customer. From start to finish, from financing to installation, we’re here to work with and for you. In the end, each employee at Semper Solaris is family, a friend, and a neighbor… the Granada Hills community. The Best Solar Panels in Granada Hills Going solar in Granada Hills with Semper Solaris is simple. We provide you with solar panels that fit perfectly with your specific interests and in your budget. Whether you want to simply drop your bill, help the environment, or put to use extra space, we know how to help. Panasonic solar panels are 100% American made and produced in Buffalo, New York. Manufacturing solar panels in America provides jobs for your fellow Americans, benefits our economy, and protects our environment. By going solar in Granada Hills, you help protect our beautiful country from waste and pollution which comes from burning fossil fuels to make energy. We offer a variety of options for solar panels available for your choice and your personal representative will be there to answer any questions regarding each type and cost and will help you find the best fit for your goal. Also, because solar panels are made durable, maintenance isn’t often necessary. For your peace of mind, Panasonic offers a 25-year warranty for their solar panels, and the maintenance team here at Semper Solaris in Granada Hills will be at your call for any repair. The Best Solar Installation in Granada Hills Not only is our customer service guaranteed to treat you like family, respect you, and work to accomplish your solar goals and not only are our solar panels the best for you, America, and the world, but your experience with the Granada Hills Semper Solaris installation team is guaranteed to be unmatched. Our solar contractors are here for you. We work to make the installation period swift but thorough; each job is another opportunity to give you the excellent and diligent service our company is built on. We have the know-how to accomplish the goal you have in mind; we guarantee an impeccable installation every time. Excellence is guaranteed from our customer service, to our solar contractors, and all the way to our solar panel installation. Because at Semper Solaris, we’re in it for you, Granada Hills. The Best Solar Company in Granada Hills Semper Solaris is locally and veteran-owned, and we look to provide jobs for veterans and others that value loyalty, integrity, and honor. Based on the Marine Corps motto Semper Fidelis, our company strives to always be faithful. Our team is known and valued for its excellent service toward each customer we encounter and each goal we seek to fulfill. We’re here to help you realize the potential you have in harnessing and using the sun’s power to benefit yourself, your family, those around you, and the world. Our goal in our solar industry is to reduce the carbon footprint on this world, to strengthen the environment, and to enable others to do the same. Join us in this mission. Go solar, American Style with Semper Solaris.
Originally published November 15th, 2016. Updated January 1st, 2021. See below a simple visual representation displaying exactly how solar energy works. As solar power continues to gain popularity for providing power to our homes and neighborhoods, it's important we have a general understanding of how it works.
BREAKING NEWS! The American government has come together to pass the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). This is fantastic news for those installing a new solar system because they will now be eligible for a 30% tax credit. What Is the Federal Solar Tax Credit? The Federal Solar Tax Credit that is also known as the Solar Investment Tax Credit or ITC is a 30% tax credit incentive for a newly installed solar system. By installing a solar photovoltaic system, you will be entitled to a federal solar tax credit that can be claimed on federal income taxes for a percentage of the cost that came with installing a new solar system. This will help Americans get solar on their roofs and will help millions more families unlock an additional savings on their electricity bills over the life of the system. The solar ITC was first introduced back in 2006, and has been a huge success since then: according to the Solar Energy Industries Association, it's spurred average annual growth of more than 50 % for the solar industry and boosted the area by more than 10,000 % since its inception. Indeed, the solar ITC is the primary motivator behind the development of solar - it goes without saying that, without this extension, we would see a decline in the growth of solar for the foreseeable future. The statistic mentioned above speak for themselves - the solar ITC has been responsible for huge growth in the solar sector.
The United States Energy Policy Act of 2005 established the Investment Tax Credit or ITC for short. In regards to solar power installation, this meant a homeowner that owned their solar system free and clear would receive a federal tax break for the total cost of their solar investment. As solar is rapidly becoming ever more popular, the incentive is set to decline over the upcoming years gradually, so if you have been considering solar, now is the time to act. The federal solar tax credit for 2022, also known as the investment tax credit (ITC), deducts 30% of your solar panel installation costs from your federal taxes. This tax credit is subject to change. NUMEROUS BENEFITS OF SOLAR The 2022 ITC is not the only reason to research and evaluate the many benefits of alternative energy sources for your home or office. Solar is an environmentally friendly, renewable, and sustainable energy source that has the capability of fully powering your residence or commercial space, precisely as a traditional “grid-based” power company would, For greater than half the cost of grid electricity. In an area prone to fire-prevention power outages or a grid circuit that has potential for brownouts? Solar power can provide other benefits such as reserve power systems, which are units that store the acquired solar energy - all while still powering your home - for use in an emergency. It sure would be nice to be able to turn the lights on or leave the air conditioner running during times of no power. SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL SAVINGS The aforementioned “grid” companies such as Southern California Edison charge upwards of ¢25 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), while solar power costs are as little as ¢.06 per kWh. If the average household uses in the neighborhood of 900 kWh per month, then solar energy provides an approximate yearly savings of $2,000 over grid-based electricity! That is a substantial difference, especially in the higher cost of living areas where saving money is essential. The average size residential solar power system is 6kW, which is an approximate $19,000 upfront cost. These credits greatly help absorb the initial cost, as well as get you closer to full fiscal recuperation of the system faster. After taking your ITC, and saving $2,000 in electricity usage costs in the first year, you’ve already made a $19,000 solar system and paid only $10,000. If you choose to remain in your solar-powered home, the system will entirely pay for itself only five to ten years later. Choosing to sell your home? The average home in California will sell for $20,000 more with solar installed!
Do you have questions about solar panels? You’re not alone! Even though solar has been around for a long time, many people want to know more before they choose if going solar is the right for their property. Getting to know PV panels is smart, so we have put together some of the most commonly asked questions about home solar panels and answered them in one place. From knowing how solar power works to knowing what happens to solar panels in weather, you’ll be smarter than ever about turning the sun into green energy once you’re done with these FAQs. Let’s get started. How Do Solar Panels Work? The short answer is that solar panels (comprised of photovoltaic - PV - cells) absorb and turn sunlight into electricity. The longer answer is that the silicon in PV panels, which is doped with boron to increase its conductivity, knocks electrons free from the sunlight that hits the panels. This creates an electrical current. Your panels convert the sunlight into direct current (DC) energy. How do solar panels work? Read the full article. Since most appliances in your home use alternating current (AC) power, your solar panels are connected to an inverter. The inverter changes the solar energy from DC to AC. From there, the energy is ready to be sent to your outlets and used in your home. How are Solar Panels Affected by Clouds and Rain? One of the biggest myths about solar power is that it won’t be effective when it’s cloudy. Homeowners who live in areas with a lot of sea fog, for instance, may be worried that getting solar power isn’t worth it. The reality is that solar panels can still capture sunlight even when it’s cloudy outside. In fact, panels can often produce up to 25% of their typical output even when clouds are present. When it’s raining, your solar panels may produce about 10% of their regular output. During weather events, your solar panels can draw upon their storage of saved energy so your home can stay off the grid until the sun comes out again. Read our article Does solar power work at night? Do Solar Panels Overheat? You want your solar panels in direct sunlight. But how much sun is too much sun? Some panels do operate with less efficiency in super hot temperatures. Solar panels are tested for efficiency at 77 degrees Fahrenheit, and they’re most efficient around that temperature. Panels will lose a certain amount of efficiency for every degree above 77 (this is called the temperature coefficient figure). If you’re living in the desert, you may want to select panels with a better temperature coefficient. Thin-film panels, which are started to gain steam, are also known to work quite efficiently in hot temperatures. It’s important to note that your panels will still work when they get hot, they may just take longer to generate the same amount of electricity as they do on cooler days. They will draw on stored energy to make up the difference. Learn how often you should care for your solar panels. How Many Solar Panels Does a Home Need? How many solar panels will you need to make the switch from grid power to self-sustaining solar power? There are a lot of factors that contribute to the answer, including the efficiency of the panels you choose and how much power you use every month. For a home that uses 5kW of power each month, you will require on average about 20 panels. You’ll need 300 square feet of roof space, ideally facing south. How many panels are needed to run a house? Read the full article. Can Solar Panels Be Recycled? If you’re entertaining the thought of going solar you probably care about the environment, and you’re asking yourself how you can recycle the panels when you’re done with them. The good news is that solar panels often last up to 30 years, so you won’t have to change them out often. If you inherit a home with outdated panels and want to upgrade them, however, the rules of recycling may be pertinent to you. The EU has a more organized system for recycling solar panels than the United States, but the US is started to get on board. Many of the components of solar panels, including glass and wiring, can easily be recycled. Groups like SEIA and some individual manufacturers are allowing customers to turn in old panels for repurposing or recycling. Learn how to decrease your carbon footprint. Are Solar Panels Expensive to Maintain? No, solar panels are not expensive to maintain. Regular cleanings represent the majority of your responsibility; depending on where you live and the type of panels you have, you may only need to clean the panels annually. It’s best to consult a professional when you need your panels cleaned and schedule the cleaning for a day that is partly cloudy whenever possible. Aside from cleaning, you won’t need to attend to your panels unless you notice something wrong. Many solar panels have a warranty of 25 years for parts and materials, so you can also count on free replacement components in many cases. Can Hail or Snow Damage My Solar Panels? Solar panels are specifically designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. In fact, they are tested to make sure they can survive through one-inch hail falling at a rate of 50 miles per hour. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was itself faced with a hail storm, and of the thousands of solar panels on the organization’s campus, only one was broken in the end. When it comes to snow, the main problem is that snow coverage impedes panel efficiency. Many homeowners can simply wait for the snow to melt because the angle at which the panels are installed encourages the melted snow to naturally run downward. You can also hire a professional to come and clear the snow. Read more about the durability of solar panels. How Much Money Will I Save with Solar? The amount of money you save with solar may vary, but if you buy efficient panels and live in Southern California you are apt to save up to $40,000 over the course of your time in your home. You can use Google’s helpful Project Sunroof to estimate how much money solar panels can save you. The tool uses your address and current electric bill to provide you with an estimate. We answer the question we know that you have: Do solar panels really save you money? Can I Take My Solar Panels When I Move? Technically your solar panels are your property and you could take them with you to a new property. But you may not want to consider it when you factor in the increase in your home’s value. In California, a solar panel system that generates about 5kW could improve the worth of a home by tens of thousands. You’re typically better off to leave your solar panels in place, sell your home, and install a different system at your new address. Read more: Does solar really increase the value of your home? What is Net Metering? Many city grids, including SDGE have a program in place to buy your excess energy. Most homes with solar will create more energy than they need, so you may as well be paid for it! Net metering is a system by which homeowners who generate solar energy and remain connected to the grid will send their extra energy to the grid. Your utility company will pay you for this electricity and use it to offset the load for your neighbors. Anything beyond your personal “net” use is used to power your community. Read our full article on net metering. Solar power has the potential to make your household energy independent, reduce your carbon footprint, and help your community. When we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, we create new jobs and help protect the California landscape we all love so much. Solar energy is also helping local veterans get back to work after they complete their service. More of your questions are answered on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
During a blackout, your solar panel system halts automatically. Not only is this a safety precaution, but it also protects the repairmen as they try to fix the problem. Some people might opt to purchase a generator - either a small one that powers several essential appliances or a large one that will power the whole office or home. While this is an excellent way to fix your power outage issues, there is another better alternative: the Tesla Powerwall. If you've not heard of it, the Tesla Powerwall is a solar battery that can be fitted with your PV panel system. It allows your home to self-power during the day or night. This will keep your home or office powered during power cuts, and it also comes in handy if you want to reduce your dependence on the grid. Though is the Tesla Powerwall worth it? This second-generation solar battery backup will deliver enough power for your residence, though this solely depends on your power usage. The Tesla Powerwall is a game-changer, and here in this review, we will give you more than enough reasons why you should have it in your home. Continue reading to find out more... Week's worth of electricity In this industry, even the most potent generators have their limits. For instance, the most environment-friendly generator is the propane generator; its limitation comes in the propane tank's size and the number of propane tanks you have set aside. A propane tank might offer you the power you need for a day or more, and this depends mostly on the number of appliances you have linked to it. On the other hand, if you want to power up your house for seven or more days, you will need to have more than a few propane tanks in reserve. Nonetheless, the best solution for this kind of situation is the Tesla Powerwall battery. With their 2-battery installation recommendation, your whole house will be powered for a week or more! How? By utilizing the already generated and stored solar energy which is given precedence over the tertiary power supply. Apart from extreme natural disasters that last long, seven days is a lot of time for the utility to hold you down before the power is fixed. Avoid high utility bills During certain times, energy firms usually increase their rates, and energy cost is continually rising. With this iconic solar battery, you can avoid these increased rates and peak fees. Even when the solar panels are not generating energy, your home will still be powered up on the energy stored by the Tesla Powerwall. Confirm if your utility provides time-of-use charges, which let you utilize cheaper solar energy that you have already produced and stored in your Tesla Powerwall. This enables you to avoid the high electric bills during the periods when it is pricier. Assess your energy consumption rate The Powerwall installation comes with a comprehensive energy assessment solution for your house. You can always monitor how your house generates and utilizes energy at a given time. What's more, with the Tesla app, you can check on your home or office energy system at any given time. Safeguard your home This is among the most attractive benefits of the Tesla Powerwall: shielding your home when there is a disaster. If storms hit your neighbor, your solar battery will keep your home running. Besides, the Powerwall can connect you to the National Weather Service. When you enable the Storm Watch feature, your solar battery can prioritize charging in advance due to the severe weather. Then again, the Powerwall will do its thing after seconds of a power outage. It is all-automatic This is another excellent reason why you should get the Tesla Powerwall: the whole system is automatic. In case of a blackout, the grid shuts down, which means it cuts off your home power supply, including the solar supply. Once this occurs, the Powerwall instantly starts working, and it is so fast, you might not even recognize there's a blackout. With the other power backup methods, you need to get involved manually to power up your home. This is the case for a solar inverter or generator; you have to manually turn them on and wait for approximately two minutes before the lights are back on. If you are utilizing a generator, you have to be ready by always having backup fuel. However, every time you swap or refill it, you will lose power during the procedure. Commitment to going green Different individuals have different reasons for using solar systems. From reducing their utility bills to bettering their environment to having lights in times of disaster, these are all valid reasons. At times, it is even because you want to stop utilizing electricity from the grid. Most of the time, it is somewhere between these four reasons. For whatever reason, you have decided to invest in solar energy, and the Tesla Powerwall backup battery, you are maintaining your commitment to going green. In case of a power outage, you will still manage to run your office or home on the solar-powered backup batteries for seven or more days, depending on your power consumption rate. Final word With most of the world becoming very reliant on the production and utilization of electricity as the generation of alternative fuel options reduces increasingly, it is only right that people develop dependable alternatives. Some of the best worldwide manufacturers in this industry have engaged in the race to produce and retail products that will fill the gap in energy and energy resources shortage. Among the top competitors in this race is the electric vehicle Manufacturers Tesla Motors. This firm has manufactured several products which help produce significant energy amounts to cover most of your needs. Furthermore, their high-quality products also reduce the energy production costs for a much more affordable living; and the Tesla Powerwall backup solar battery is one of their products. Well, there you have it, why you should have the Tesla Powerwall for your home! Semper Solaris is a Tesla Powerwall certified installer, so let us answer all your questions about solar power and storage. Call us today!
For any homeowner or business owner interested in saving money and helping to protect the environment, having solar panels installed is a great way to do that. Solar energy is the definition of green energy, which means that it is clean energy that produces next to no pollutants. On top of being the cleanest form of energy in the world, it is also endlessly renewable. The sun is going to keep rising each day, which means that the fuel source for solar panels is never going away. Since solar energy doesn't have to be produced, it also doesn't generate any waste. To summarize, solar energy produces virtually no pollutants and it is endlessly renewable, making it the perfect green energy for anyone interested in protecting the environment. The only time that solar panels produce any waste is during their manufacture and transport to the installation site. After that, it's perfectly clean energy for the life of your solar panels. Solar Panels Help To Reduce Carbon Emissions If you're interested in protecting the environment, you're probably already well aware of the threat that global warmer presents. Global warming is causing the sea levels to rise due to glaciers melting. It's altering the climate, and there's strong evidence that it is making hurricanes more powerful, droughts more severe, and wildfires more damaging. Climate change is a problem that everyone needs to work together to combat, and you can do your part by having solar panels installed on your home or business. How do solar panels help with climate change? To understand how solar panels help with climate change you first have to understand what's causing it. Climate change is being driven by carbon emissions. Everything from coal power plants, to the cars that most people drive. When you have solar panels on your home or business you are reducing your dependence upon external electricity sources. So, if your home would have normally been given power by a coal power plant, using solar panels reduces your carbon footprint by reducing your dependency on that power plant. The Cumulative Effect of More and More Homes and Businesses Going Solar Will Add Up Will you get solar panels on your home or business to make a huge impact when it comes to protecting the environment? No. But it's important that you don't think that way. If everyone decided that their getting solar panels wasn't going to make that big of a difference, then progress would come to a grinding halt. What you should realize is that it's the cumulative effect of many other home or business owners just like you making the decision to go solar that will make a difference. Solar Panels Offers Many Financial Benefits While your primary motivation for embracing solar energy may be about the positive effect it will have on the environment, you should also enjoy some nice financial incentives as well. When you finance solar panels you aren't actually adding anything to your monthly budget, in fact, you may be reducing your monthly budget! While financing solar panels will add a bill to your budget, it will also reduce your electric bill. In most cases, people find that the amount of their bill for their solar panels, combined with their new electric bill is less than what they paid for electricity before. On top of that, once your solar panels are paid for, you'll continue to get solar energy from them. While the amount of power that solar panels generate will decrease eventually, the fact that they will continue to provide you with power long after they have been paid off can be viewed as a major benefit. Do Solar Panels Have Any Negative Effects On The Environment? While solar panels are overwhelmingly good for the environment when compared with other power sources, they do have their downsides. When solar panels are manufactured they are done so in a facility. That facility is taking up space that was probably an empty field with grass and trees at one point. The facility that manufactures solar panels also uses power and water, and during the manufacturing process pollutants may be produced. Currently, solar panels are also transported on vehicles that use fossil fuels as well, so that's another check in the negative box for them. But, once they are installed, they are the greenest energy source on the planet, making their negatives pale in comparison to the positive benefits that they provide.
Many people faced electricity blackouts in California due to dry, hot, and low-humidity winds as well as widespread wildfires. A dozen counties shut their power off since sparks were emerging from aging power lines. It was done to avoid and control quickly-growing fires. Though the power was restored for a day, the residents were warned to prepare for a minimum of 5-7 days outage. This was because of the weather conditions at the time, which could have enhanced the risk of wildfire. Now, we are seeing even more shutoffs in counties such as Los Angeles and Ventura due to the strong winds. This is just one scenario. Blackouts and outages are not planned at times. Even if they are, the residents still have to be prepared to face the abrupt power cut. What should be done? The immediate solution is to have a Battery Backup Power Storage in your residence/building. What is the power required to back-up a battery? For a full charge, battery backup for home use needs 160 Watts in an approximate. Is Battery Backup Power right for you? The California outages were done for safety. However, such a scenario and an unplanned power cut make battery backup power essential and useful to many residents such as people with Sleep Apnea & CPAP Machines. Need for a backup home power system [video width="760" height="692" mp4="" loop="true" autoplay="true"][/video] A home power backup is also referred to as energy storage equipment. A backup that can power up your home for emergency filled with sustainable energy is cost-efficient. Whenever a power outage is experienced, the backup equipment will switch to the power supply until the power is back. The battery charges while the power is available. Systems like Tesla Powerwall & Enphase Encharge Battery are very efficient, larger in capacity, cost-efficient, and storage efficient. For example, with Tesla Powerwall, you will not even notice a blackout as when the backup mode is powered, Powerwall will seamlessly switch to this backup mode and stay powered for 7+ continuous days* The factors for having a battery backup power are: Climatic conditions- Extreme weather conditions such as fires, ice, floods, lightning, and wind can impact the electric grid. Accumulation of ice or a lightning strike can damage the power lines. Trees- Trimmed trees do not impact the power lines. However, they do not potentially void all the issues. The branches can sway or fall over the power lines damaging them. Potentially high wind can make the tree stoop over the power lines. If the tree is not trimmed, then they create all the more. Accidents-Construction and Vehicle accidents can harm power poles. This results in the power lines to touch or break each other. Grid overload- The equipment gets overloaded with extreme temperatures. The system is impacted when you are using electrical heating or AC at the same time. Which battery backup is right for you? The answer to this question is relative. Some factors to look for the right backup are: Any battery backup power system being right depends totally on what you need, place, and circumstances are. A reliable backup should be able to provide power backup for major power devices. If your climate is not suitable, you live in a disaster-prone region, or where there are chances of more power cuts then, the battery system should be able to sustain that break time. They should be affordable to you for charging, maintenance, and installation. 3 primary features of a Battery backup power right for you The below three vital features are essential in a backup battery Reliable Battery-The battery backup run using solar energy should keep it charged and shield the device from power issues. The connected power devices like lights, fans, etc., should be compatible with the internal battery supply. How many hours it is able to give you power supply in the case of a power outage depends on the battery size and wattage. The other factors to be considered are battery age, efficiency, and room temperature. The backup should be capable of offering computer data backup and avoiding any kind of data loss. Automatic Voltage Regulation- The battery should be equipped to shield abnormally lower or higher voltages. No damage or malfunction of hardware should occur at these times. This will correct the fluctuations without getting the battery switched on at these times. It will set the percentage by detection to 10-15 percent of the required voltage to switch. Noise and Surge protection-In-built noise filtering and surge suppression from a transient voltage that can be disruptive and destructive EM or RF line noise is abled in the system. Solar Energy Backup Power The backup power system of this type uses solar panels to store solar energy as power backup. Solar Energy systems are also referred to as a PV array. The energy accumulated through the solar panels is directed to storage within the battery system for home use when needed. Whenever there is a power outage, this storage energy acts as a power supply to operate as per the power specifications enabled. Top advantages of Solar power backup The leading pros of solar energy power backup batteries are that they are eco-friendly. They have no or minimal impact on the environment. This is sustainable energy to reliable provide a power backup to your home or workspace without any harm done. They are able to give you energy security. Solar batteries can curb the issues of weak grid management. They are self-sufficient and give your control of energy as needed while being cost-efficient. They are noise efficient, a quiet solution to power backup. They do not cause noise surges during the night or while charging. They are power efficient. These energy storage solutions result in cutting your energy bills. They are cost-efficient as they use natural, sustainable energy from the sun. The charging is done as per solar energy available and harvested into the panels as the energy back up. Conclusion A home battery backup will always come in handy when there is a power outage. Which one is right for you is based on factors such as climatic conditions, energy efficiency, how frequently the power outages occur, if your location is prone to frequent disasters, and so on. Solar Battery Storage units are eco-friendly and make use of the natural resource as a storage system. They need an initial set up investment, but in the long run, they are cost-efficient. They are able to sustain longer power outages comparatively. They are energy efficient with a good lifespan. They are quieter with noise efficiency. A battery backup power that is reliable, easy to install, smart, sufficient in wattage, and cost-efficient is right for you to combat a power outage. Bonus: If you are a current college student or high school senior about to graduate, don't forget to apply to our Semper Solaris Scholarship for an opportunity at $2000.
With the winter vacations around the corner and colder months approaching, this time is ideal for a routine check for HVAC maintenance. By doing routine checks for the Heating and Air Conditioning system, mainly in fall and winter, you can reduce the total energy consumption by the system. HVAC also known as Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioner, is a system that is generally used in our homes. This system provides a comfortable atmosphere to live in. Its main aim is to provide thermal comfort and an acceptable quality of air for the inside of our house. It is very important to regularly check each and every electronic appliance and system at home. By doing this we can reduce the energy consumption by almost half and this will also help in the long-running of the systems and appliances. HVAC Preventative Maintenance Tips Here are a few preventive maintenance tips you can consider for your HVAC system during the fall or winter seasons. Replace or Clean Air Filters The dirt and dust deposit in the air filters of your HVAC works as a barrier for the airflow and finally restricts the flow of air. The air filters need to be cleaned every 3 months. If you have not cleaned it for a long time, then it can be blocking the path of the air. Consider cleaning the air filters. Manuals generally have the process given for cleaning. Clean the filters for better airflow. If you still feel the airflow is being blocked then consider changing your air filters to be safe. Unblock and Clean Vents Just like the air filters need cleaning similarly your HVAC vents need cleaning too. Regular cleaning of your vents will help you get rid of all kinds of dust and dirt. Once the vents are absolutely clean and tidy it will then make sure that no dirt or dust is entering your HVAC system. This is because once dirt and dust start entering your HVAC system it will then get circulated to your home. So it is best to keep your vents clean at all times. Also, take some time and check the vent blocking. This means check for things that may block your vent and remove them. Fire Prevention [video width="3840" height="2160" mp4="" loop="true" autoplay="true"][/video] Home heating equipment causes more than 50,000 house fires every year. So it is very important to keep your family safe. To prevent house fire make sure you keep items that could burn far away from your heating source. Not only this, try not to keep space heaters unattended, do not plug space heaters into extension cords, and think of installing smoke detectors at home. Doing these simple things you will be one step ahead of keeping your family safe and sound. Consider Replacement With time the working capacity of every piece of equipment fades away and slows down. Consider checking the age of your HVAC system. HVAC systems that are more than 10 years old are only 45% efficient and can consume huge amounts of energy. Replace your HVAC system with a new one. This will be more efficient and will help you reduce your electricity bills. [embed][/embed] HVAC Professional Inspector It is always good to get professional help. For the winter and fall seasons, it is best to call an HVAC professional. In this way, the inspector will be able to inspect your Heating and Air Condition system better and can tell you what exactly you need to change, replace, or clean. When you consider calling a professional, also think about the service. A servicing will help your HVAC system work efficiently and easily. This is a very good way of maintaining your HVAC system. With this, your system will work for more days without any disturbance and problem. By putting in a little effort and time in checking whether the HVAC system is working smoothly or not the energy consumption of the system can be reduced. Mostly cooling and heating systems account for almost 48% of the total energy consumption that goes into the typical home making it the largest energy expense. Regular checking can help in reducing the electricity bills and long-running of the HVAC system.
If you are a sleep apnea patient and use CPAP therapy, you should be ready for emergencies where there would have no regular power available. To meet such eventualities, you should invest in solar panels and battery storage. For the past few weeks, California is witnessing regular rotational blackouts. Even in the past, California has witnessed a serious power crisis between 2000-01. Sleep apnea patients who are taking CPAP therapy may find themselves completely helpless if caught in a blackout in the night time. This is very much a real possibility now as peak power demand in the city is outstripping supply. How Do Solar Panels Help People with Sleep Apnea Using CPAP Therapy? You can buy a high watt solar panel system for charging your CPAP battery. You just need to spread the solar panels facing directly the sun and connect it to the CPAP battery. In about 8 to 10 hours, the solar panel would fully charge the battery. The solar panel is very easy to operate. All you need to do is spread it facing the sun. It will draw energy from the sun and charge your CPAP battery. Solar panels are able to draw energy from the sun even on cloudy days when the sun may not be seen prominently. Benefits If there is a power outage and you are not able to charge your battery, solar panels will charge your CPAP device and you can have a good night's sleep. You may also need the solar panel to charge your CPAP device during your outdoor adventure. Easy To Use Solar Panels? The solar panels capable of recharging your CPAP device are lightweight and powerful. They can charge your CPAP battery in 8 to 10 hours. The process to recharge the CPAP battery is very easy. You just need to connect the solar panels to your battery and let the panel sit facing the sun. Most solar panels are made using green technology and are carbon-footprint friendly so you will be helping the environment in the process. Solar Panels and Sleep Apnea Is there a link between solar power and sleep apnea? Yes, if you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and use CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure therapy), solar power can be a topic of interest for you. CPAP is a device that comes in the form of a mask that sleep apnea has to wear during his sleep. The mask has a CPAP component that supplies air at high pressure near the patient's nose during his sleep. This ensures there is enough air at high pressure in the face region including the nose and the throat that the patient does not have to struggle to breathe the air in. There is a continuous supply of air at high pressure for the patient to be able to breathe comfortably. How Is CPAP Related to Solar Power? CPAP is powered by a rechargeable battery. For this device to continuously work for the entire duration when the patient is sleeping, it needs its battery with adequate charging. In normal circumstances, the battery can be charged through power outlets in the day for use at night. You may need solar power to charge the CPAP battery. This is a possibility when there is a power outage or when you are on a hike and sleeping outdoors. What is Sleep Apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious problem that prevents a person from having a sound sleep. The problem is caused due to the weakening of the breathing muscles that mostly lie in the throat region. If the person is suffering from this problem for a long time, the lack of a good night's sleep can lead to many problems, especially related to the health of the heart. While a milder version of OSA can be treated and managed by adopting a healthy lifestyle, the more serious form of the condition needs medical interventions. Of all the treatments available, CPAP is considered to be most effective as it improves air circulation right in the face, near the nose, and the throat. It helps the patient's breathing system as air at a higher pressure makes its way through the nose and the mouth down to the throat and lungs without breathing muscles having to make any serious effort. CPAP manages to keep the patient breathing. It's a delicate balance between the patient's need for air and the CPAP working on its battery. If the battery gets discharged with no option to recharge it, the patient may suffer a difficult time trying to sleep. But if the patient has battery storage, he can recharge his CPAP device easily and manage to tide over the crisis. Solar Panels and Battery Storage Solar power is a source of clean energy as it provides non-grid energy. From average homes to municipal bodies, everyone is aware of the advantages of solar panel installations. They are also using it wherever it is possible. Except for the installation cost, it provides you electricity at much lower costs compared to no solar panels. Over time, it pays for itself and recoups the installation cost in about 5 to 7 years. There are good reasons for the greater adoption of solar power technology by more people and households. An important upgrade in the overall solar power technology is battery storage. This device allows you to store power generated by your solar energy system and use it when you need it. In normal circumstances, your solar panels generate electricity and store in the batteries attached to the system. Once the batteries are fully charged and your solar panel is still producing electricity, you can store the additional electricity in battery storage. You can use the battery storage when the normal batteries attached to your solar panels are completely discharged. You can also sell additional electricity to the grid and earn some money or credit. Using battery storage is an excellent way to tap the maximum amount of energy from your solar installation. Final thoughts Sleep apnea is a respiratory disease in which the person stops breathing for a brief period during his sleep. One of the treatments for this condition is the use of CPAP masks. To keep the CPAP working even during California blackouts or during outdoor hiking, you should use solar panels + battery storage in case of emergencies.
Selecting the proper solar company can prove to be a challenging task given that there are so many solar companies available at present. It is imperative to evaluate a solar company comprehensively so as to find the appropriate one for your personal requirements. In the subsequent paragraphs, we have mentioned some essential guidelines on how to choose the right solar company out there. Get in the appropriate mindset It is a fact that lots of individuals end up hiring an electrician or plumber for taking care of small projects around their homes. However, the majority of them do not have experience when it comes to solar energy and panels. How do you get started? It takes much more than simply hiring a plumber for fixing a leaky faucet when you are hiring a solar panel installer. Nevertheless, the task is somewhat less tedious than remodeling the kitchen. Therefore, you need to be prepared for some legwork although it is not actually that bad. The overall procedure of hiring a solar company will be similar to that of employing any other contractor. You need to perform adequate research on the company and also go through the contract meticulously. It will be imperative to come in touch with the company personally so as to get a proper idea regarding their competence. Get several quotations Make sure to get several quotes similar to any other project in your residence. This is essential for getting a fair price and also comparing the different credentials and proposals of the company you are looking for. For instance, you need to watch out for companies which assert that your residence is appropriate for solar while it is actually not. That is where Google Project Sunroof comes into play. An authentic company will let you know that it will be essential to fix your roof initially, or that your residence does not get adequate sunlight for the installation of solar panels. They will be walking away instead of selling you a system which will not work appropriately in the long run. However, an incompetent company will try to make the sale. Consequently, in case you receive as many as three quotes and a couple of companies inform you that your house is not appropriate for installing solar panels while the other one urges you to go for it, it will be sensible to ignore the third company. In this case, you should take into consideration other alternatives such as community solar. Having several quotes will enable you to make a comparison between different installation methods and equipment choices. For instance, you need to consider how the racking is going to be secured to your roof. Solar panel installers come with different experience levels, particularly in terms of more challenging materials for roofing like clay tile. A solar installation which is botched will be compromising your roof's waterproof integrity resulting in a considerable amount of money in damage eventually. For this reason, it will be imperative to ask the solar installer regarding what techniques will be used by them to ensure that you need not suffer from any problem after the completion of the installation. In case one company provides you with vague replies while the other listens to all of your questions patiently and promptly answers them, it will be prudent to go for the second company. Verify their experience Solar power is an industry which is developing rapidly while drawing quite a few professionals from various backgrounds. Although it can be somewhat tricky to come across a solar panel company with adequate experience, it definitely comes with some benefits. It is important to make certain that the project will not be dropped by the company before completion. Moreover, you should expect your solar panel installer to showcase systems which they have installed for past clients. Do not select a solar company on price only Although every individual likes to save cash, it will be unjustified on your part to always go with the most expensive quote. There are lots of differences in equipment as well as installation quality. Although it is feasible for your installer to be the most inexpensive one in your locality, you will not be able to know unless you have compared the proposals and performed your research. On the other hand, you will not be assured of getting higher quality by simply opting for the cheapest solar installer. Prefer companies which are local Make sure not to go for any solar company which has not been in business for more than a couple of years. Instead, try to choose a company with adequate experience. This can be found out by checking the Better Business Bureau, inquiring the company itself, or even visiting the company's website. It will be sensible to choose experienced companies since apart from being technically competent they will also remain in business for quite some time after the completion of your project in case you need warranty services afterward. In case you are residing in states like California, you will find it simpler to come across solar companies with more than ten years of experience. However, if you live in some other areas such as the Midwest, you might be forced to go for companies with much less experience since the solar industry is comparatively new in those areas. Verify whether the company is properly licensed A webpage is maintained by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council which will allow you to search for solar licensing requisites for your particular state. While some states will need specialized licenses, the others will allow any contractor to install panels with the license of an electrician. Moreover, the license of a general contractor might get the job done in some other states. As a matter of fact, you will also come across some states which do not need any license whatsoever. Check out the IREC website and read it meticulously since the solar photovoltaic installation will require different licensing terms as compared to solar thermal. In case a license is needed, ask any California solar company for the license number since states such as California will enable you to check licenses online. You might get only minimal info from the online license databases, like whether a license is a valid one. Nevertheless, others, such as California, provide more comprehensive information which even includes license violations made by companies. It is important to bear in mind that violations are going to be different when it comes to severity, and it will be unjustified to ignore a company simply because it has a violation on record. In case you are concerned about any reported violation, do not hesitate to ask the solar company regarding it. Go through online reviews The Better Business Bureau will be the best place for getting authentic online reviews. It is quite different from the remaining review sites on the web. After collecting customer complaints regarding any particular company, it is going to mediate that complaint between the company and the customer. It is important to go through the complaint carefully for understanding whether it actually represents a concern or not since a complaint might be a sort of misunderstanding between the company and the client or it might also identify poor practices made by that company. It will be possible to resolve any listed complaints as well. Resolved complaints will not be much of a concern, and it is likewise inevitable that a significant volume of business will be performed by a bigger company irrespective of how good it is and it might have some dissatisfied clients in the long run. Although the Better Business Bureau likewise enables the users to publish more conventional reviews, this will not be mediated by them. It is definitely worthwhile to go through company reviews on other sites; however, you need to be careful about those reviews. While online reviews will not be able to indicate the true quality, they can be manipulated as well. Try to refrain from using websites having a background of "pay-to-play" including well-known sites like and Angies' List. As a matter of fact, Google and Yelp reviews appear to be more authentic than other similar sites on the web. Ask regarding warranties It is a fact that a photovoltaic system consists of lots of different components, and each one of them is covered by a particular warranty from the manufacturer. It is vital for the installer to explain every single of those in detail. The solar panel installer must offer a warranty of the parts of the system as well as the workmanship, and they should also cover replacement and labor charges of any malfunctioning component. Photovoltaic solar panels come with their individual warranties which are usually categorized into a couple of parts: warranty covering the workmanship and the materials, and another covering the power output. The panels are going to degrade in the course of time on most occasions generating a little less power every year. (This particular degradation ought to be less than 2% every year). A power warranty of 25 years is normal, and it is imperative for the product warranty to be a minimum of 10 years, and, on some occasions, even 25 years. One essential component of the system is the inverter system which should have its individual warranty period of at least 20 years. It is important for the racking system to be able to withstand any type of extreme weather for at least 20 years. Therefore, it is imperative for this component to have a strong warranty of 20 years. In case you are using batteries, make sure to know regarding the warranty since it is a costly component out there. Quality of the solar panels At present, 3 types of solar panels are usually employed throughout the industry, namely, polycrystalline, monocrystalline, and amorphous. Although amorphous panels are quite inexpensive, they are not much efficient as well as durable as compared to the other 2. In all probabilities, you have come across polycrystalline panels in your locality which are reputed for their blue shade and have become quite well-known during the past several years. They will be appropriate for individuals who have adequate space and do not want to invest a considerable amount of money in monocrystalline solar panels. Monocrystalline panels have increased in popularity during the last few years, and they can boast of having the maximum efficiency rate without needing plenty of space as well. Therefore, they will be appropriate for individuals having a large roof. Nevertheless, they are the most costly solar panels out there. It does not matter which solar panel you go for, it is imperative to make certain that the company selected by you will be able to provide those. You will come across some solar companies which will be able to provide 1 or 2 of these panels. You need to make sure that the panels are of top quality and also from authentic solar panel manufacturers. (On most occasions, third-party manufactures are used by the majority of the solar companies). Apart from this, you should go for durable solar panels which will be able to serve you for quite some time in the future. Payment options Although it is imperative to make lots of investment in order to go solar, you will also come across a number of financing options. Several of these lucrative options include power purchase agreements, green energy loans, as well as leasing options. All these options come with their individual positive plus negative aspects which you need to take into consideration prior to making a sensible financing decision. The first financing option mentioned here will be the green energy loans which were made particularly for individuals who like to transform to renewable green energy. The majority of these loans come with comparatively low rates of interest. You will be able to purchase the equipment using this option, and the balance can be paid off over time. The subsequent couple of options are quite similar. The power purchase agreement will allow you to rent the equipment and you need to pay for the energy used by you. Leasing options are also virtually similar where you will be renting the equipment; however, a specific amount has to be paid every month rather than paying at a time. You will not be able to own the equipment by using these 2 options. It is up to you to make a decision regarding which option is going to be appropriate for you. The choices can be discussed further after selecting a particular solar company. However, it is recommended for you to look for a solar company offering all these options. Conclusion Let us hope that these above-mentioned 10 tips will allow you to come across the right authentic solar company such as Semper Solaris which will provide proper service to you according to your personal requirements. Read more on solar panel facts before making your decision. Also, if you're a college student, don't forget to apply to our Semper Solaris Scholarship
There has been the ushering in the age of the usage of residential solar panels and solar battery storage. Across the nation, residential homes are engaging in shifting from the usage of electricity that is based on fossil fuel in order to be part of an economy that applies the usage of solar energy that is clean. This is impacted by the targets that have been set for the sake of reducing emissions during the crisis of climate change on a global scale. As a result, solar energy for residential use deserves much credit. We share much about the increase of the usage of solar energy via our 10 questions to save you many hours of research and reading. How much of a reduction in pricing has been experienced by residential solar in the most current times? When you like to be optimistic based on the kind of statistics that are presented to you, you will be pleased to note that the price of energy that is produced by solar efforts within the last ten years is a good starting point. Thus, it is noted that there has been a decrease in regard to the installation of solar panels in the United States at a rate of approximately seventy percent. In 2020, many Americans are giving more consideration to the usage of solar as an upgrade to their home that makes sense, as solar is now seen more than a commodity that is clean tech for businesses. Many people also look for solar panel facts to make sure statistics are accurate. At this present time, it is recognized that installing solar panels & battery storage for your home is truly a step in the right direction. What is the distinction in regard to the usage of solar concerning homes and the usage of solar concerning businesses? The operations of a business or town may be powered by a solar endeavor at the commercial level. Therefore, the usage of solar for a business or home do have the distinction of variations in terms of cost as well as price. It is noted that systems that are designed for residential solar usage are regarded as maintaining consistency in terms of size, such as an average of six kilowatts. Due to the scale of residential solar being rather small, solar panels for residences are most assuredly an upgrade in energy consumption that are attainable and they result in major savings on the electric bill. On the other side of the spectrum, when there is the usage of solar at the commercial level, there is a need for a massive investment in terms of finances. Also, there is the need to gain a large number of investors to back the project. What is the normal price for systems of solar panels that are intended for residential usage? The price of such a system will be based on the size of the system as well as the state where the residence is located. But it is noted that some data is available that can aid in forming the estimation of the price of solar panels in the United States in 2020. The simplest way to formulate a calculation for the price of solar energy for various sizes of systems is to engage in the usage of the ratio of dollars for each watt. During 2019, it was realized that homeowners had to pay about $2.91/W. This then shows the perspective that there has been a great decrease since 2008 when households had to pay a bit more than $8/W. If you desire to install a system of 6kW, then the cost will be around $17,460 when there is the application of a cost of $2.91/W prior to the implementation of rebates as well as tax credits. Is there any way to link the solar panels to the grid? What does net metering entail? In most cases, there is the linking of systems for residential solar usage to the grid. This allows for the efficiency of the implementation of net metering, which is noted as providing power for the home at night. Thus, net metering is an incentive for solar in which there is the provision of bill credits in such cases that there is an overproduction of electricity by the solar panels of the home. In such cases that the panels have not generated an adequate level of electricity, you are allowed to apply the usage of the bill credits in order to pay for the electricity that you have consumed on the grid. When you are not on the grid, you will not be able to access the usage of electricity via the local utility company. As a result, it will be necessary for you to have capabilities for the storage of energy in order to formulate a project that is fully off the grid. This means that it will be necessary to obtain a system of solar panels that are extra-large. Also, there will be the need for a method for the backing up of power in order to provide for your energy needs in such cases that there is not enough sun exposure for your solar panels. What is the length of time that is required for the installation of a system for residential solar usage? When you have consulted with the professionals who will be doing the installation of your solar system for your home and when they have made all the visits that are required for the site as well as all the stages of planning, then it will likely only be a few days for the installation of the system to be completed. There are various factors that impact the exact amount of time. Take into consideration, for example, that if you are implementing net metering, there will be the need for extra time for that process, as there must be the linking of the solar panels to the grid in a proper manner. But the good news is that overall, the process is regarded as being quite simple and fairly fast. The same thing goes for solar panel maintenance. If your roof does not meet the requirements, can you yet acquire some type of system for home solar usage? If you do not have a roof that is suitable for solar panels, there are other options. Two common methods for the sake of being able to have solar power without the need to engage in the installation of a system on your roof tend to be community solar gardens as well as installations that are grounded mounted. When there is the usage of solar as a community, this means that people in your community commit to engaging in the sharing of a designed system that provides solar energy. As well, systems that are ground mounted are a simple way to avoid any complications with roofing when you desire to have solar power for your own usage. When someone installs a system for home solar usage, can the person qualify for tax credits? When you install a system that is intended to provide home solar energy, there are two methods that are simple in regard to considering tax credits. The primary tax credit that comes to mind is the federal investment tax credit. The more popular reference to this type of credit is noted as being the solar tax credit. A tax credit is provided to you by the ITC in the amount of twenty-six percent of the full cost of the residential solar panel system that you have installed. But there is the stipulation that you must purchase the system. The second option is noted as being tax credits for your solar system that are offered at the state level. Take into consideration, for example, that California provides a credit that secures a reduction in the price of your system by as much as twenty-six percent in 2020. Based on the state where you reside, there may be some solar programs that are significant as well as tax credits that are highly beneficial in that they could help you to save a large amount of money. If I will not be in my residence for at least a period of twenty-five years, should I bother with installing a solar panel system? Many homeowners wonder what will transpire if they have to move from their home following the installation of their solar panels. Normally, such a system has a lifespan for about twenty-five years. In such a case that you do not expect to reside in your home for that length of time, you may conjecture whether it is sensible to install a solar panel system. The reality is that the value of your home will be greatly increased if you install a solar panel system. This can also contribute to making your home sell faster, as many people are thrilled when they find a home that already has a solar panel system that will permit them to save a lot of money on utility bills. How much of a residence is able to be powered via the usage of solar energy? [video width="760" height="508" mp4="" loop="true" autoplay="true"][/video] It would be great if all of the home could be powered in this way. But though such a system can provide the offset of much energy use, the truth is that solar panels cannot produce all the energy that you need for each day. A key manufacturer of solar products in the United States provides the recommendation that it is wise to have the provision of a cushion of twenty-five percent in regard to the calculations of the offset for the solar panel. The primary reason is that it is not possible for the operation of solar panels to always output energy at the maximum level on all occasions. There will be times when linkage to the grid will be necessary in order to obtain the full power that you require. But the good thing about net metering is that there is the benefit of those days when there is the surplus of solar energy production, as you will not have to pay for being connected to the grid when you need the grid for power. At what point, will the system of the home break even? It is common for a large number of homeowners to have an interest regarding the calculation of the period of payback regarding their solar panel system. This is noted as being the period of time that is needed in order for the savings that are achieved on the electric bill to engage in offsetting the price that was invested in the installation of the solar panel system. There is a range of break-even points across the nation. However, the average range is noted as being around the point of eight years for a solar panel payback.