San Diego | Solar Panels, Battery Storage, Roofing, HVAC
Do you rely on San Diego Gas & Electric to provide you with the power you need to keep everything in your home up and running? You might be under the impression that this is the only way to keep electricity flowing throughout your home. But counting on SDGE isn't the only option you have. You can also work with the best local solar company to have solar panels installed on your roof. It'll provide you with solar power in San Diego that you can use to replace much of the power that you're currently getting from SDGE. Keep reading to find out why you should embrace San Diego solar power from now on. Why Should You Look For an Alternative to SDGE in San Diego? If you have a home in San Diego that gets its electricity from SDGE, you probably got quite the surprise when you opened up your bill from the utility company earlier this year. Most people's bills doubled seemingly overnight. And this price hike wasn't just a one-time thing. SDGE has increased its rates substantially to account for the steeper prices it has faced when it comes to serving its customers. It has led to much higher electric bills for those in the San Diego area. It has also led to some people considering solar panels more than they may have in the past. Why Should You Install Solar Panels in San Diego? You should think about installing solar panels in San Diego, first and foremost, so that you can stop spending a small fortune to have SDGE provide you with electricity. You might be able to save your fair share of money each month using solar power in San Diego provided by solar panels on your roof. You should also give thought to installing solar panels in San Diego for other reasons. Here are several of them: Makes your home more eco-friendly Increases the value of your home Puts you in a position to potentially make money off your solar panels each month It would make all the sense in the world to install solar panels soon, especially when you consider the price hikes SDGE has imposed on its customers. What Is the Best Local Solar Company in San Diego? If you like the idea of having solar panels installed on your roof so that you can cut ties with SDGE, you'll need the best local solar company in San Diego to help you out. You shouldn't trust just any solar company to set you up with solar panels. Semper Solaris in San Diego is the best residential solar company around. You can obtain the solar panels you want through them for a fantastic price and begin enjoying the many benefits of using solar power in San Diego. Let Semper Solaris in San Diego Install Solar Panels for You Are you ready to make a clean break from SDGE? As the best local solar company in San Diego, Semper Solaris can make the transition as easy as possible for you. We'll help you select the right kind of solar panels for your home. We'll also figure out the right places to put them so that you're able to harness solar power from the sun from here on out. Take advantage of our solar panel services by scheduling an appointment with us today!
Roofs are designed to last for many years, if not decades. But when you start to notice the signs of a failing roof, it's time to act fast. The last thing you want is to put off the repairs and end up with major damage to your home. But finding a company to handle roofing in El Cajon can feel like an enormous task. It's such a big job and investment, you only want to work with the best. Taking the time to check out all the search results for "roofing companies near me" can take way too much time. Check out this guide to finding the top roofing companies in El Cajon that you know you can trust to deliver you a great roof! Start With Familiar Companies If you need a roof inspection, it's a good idea to start with companies you've already worked with. If you've loved a contractor company in the past, check to see if they offer a variety of services. This may include roof inspection or repair. You may be in luck and able to stop your search right here! Check for Professional Verification No matter what company you're looking at, you should check for professional verification. This is a stamp of approval that shows this business is legitimate. It's always good to be sure you're not falling for a scam! Look for Better Business Bureau roofers during your search. This will give you an extra boost of confidence when they start working on your home. Ask for Personal References There's no better source of information than those close to you. Word-of-mouth recommendations are one of the most trusted forms of advertising. An opinion about a company from someone you value has much more influence than one from a stranger. Ask your neighbors, friends, and family if any of them have had work done on their roof. Then you can get more information about their experience to help make your decision. Consider Checking Online Reviews Sometimes you simply don't have a personal reference to help choose a roofing company. And that's when it's helpful to turn to online reviews. These accounts from previous customers help give you an honest view of what it's like to work with a company. Just be sure to read as many as you can to get the most accurate picture. Finding the Best Team for Roofing in El Cajon The roof is such an important factor for a home. You really can't be comfortable inside when the roof is leaking or cracking. Finding a local roofer in El Cajon who you know will do a great job replacing your roof will make all the difference. Our team of experts has handled all kinds of roofing in El Cajon. We know how to tackle a full installation with the highest quality work. If you're interested in seeing how we can help you, book an appointment today!
Reasons to Go Solar in San Diego Keep reading if you're looking for reasons to go solar in San Diego. Our article is here to help you learn how to start saving money. If you're lucky enough to live in San Diego, CA, then you know that it's one of the sunniest and most beautiful places in the country. From lush Balboa Park to the stunning Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, you're never far from an outdoor excursion. Have you ever thought about harnessing that gorgeous sunshine and using it to power your home or business? If you've been thinking about making the switch to solar power, now could be a perfect time. With a pleasant climate and more than 3,000 annual hours of sunshine, it makes sense to go solar in San Diego. Today, we're taking a closer look at why this is the case and how you can get started today. How Does Solar Power Work? Before we dive into the many aspects that make this city ideal for solar power, let's take a step back. How does this form of renewable energy work in the first place? Put simply, a solar panel system converts sunlight into electricity. Inside each panel is an array of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which contain electrons. When the California sun beats down on each panel, those electrons loosen and create an electric current. When the current flows out of the panel, it's known as direct current (DC) energy. A piece of equipment called an inverter converts the DC energy into the alternating current (AC) energy that your local electrical grid uses. Overall, this is an exceptionally clean, renewable, effective form of energy. If you're a San Diego resident looking to save money on your monthly utility costs and do your part to help the environment, switching to solar is a smart move. Let's take a closer look at a few reasons why. San Diego Is Super Sunny As mentioned, there are thousands of sunny hours in San Diego every year! In fact, one study found that the city sees an average of more than 265 bright days annually. This is a significant amount, especially compared to the national average of just 205 sunny days. For residents, this means more than just plenty of time spent outdoors. It also means that your solar panel system will be put to great use. As the sun hits your system, you can generate an impressive amount of solar power! Alternatively, think about how much money you'd spend in HVAC costs trying to cool your home down when it gets that hot! While solar panel systems can technically work in primarily cloudy climates, they don't always operate at peak capacity, especially when there's little to no sun peeking through the clouds. In San Diego, those darker periods do occur, but they're far less frequent. Solar Saves Money Another reason to look into solar panels if you live in or near San Diego? Making this switch can save you a substantial amount of money! In December 2022, local news outlets, including NBC 7, began reporting on the higher energy rates that San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) was set to impose in San Diego County in 2023. By January of this year, the average homeowner's utility bill was expected to rise by nearly $30 per month. Stories like this one reveal it was closer to hundreds of dollars in some cases, even as SDG&E made $915 million in GAAP earnings in 2022, up from $91 million in 2021. Why Are Prices Up? In their defense, SDG&E has attempted to explain away the spike, blaming everything from cold weather to the low capacity of gas storage facilities. The most feasible explanation attributes the price to the rising cost per unit of natural gas, which is known as a therm. In January 2022, one therm cost the company only $2.36. One year later, it rose to $5.11. Natural gas is considered a fossil fuel, along with coal and oil. If you use any of these forms of energy to power your home or business, you're reliant on the going market price. Suppliers are required to pay this price to purchase the fuel on behalf of their customers. If the market price goes up, suppliers raise their own rates. In turn, your costs go up. You don't have to worry about that when you rely on solar power instead. If you can eliminate or simply reduce your reliance on the local utility grid, you'll notice the difference in your monthly utility bill. In addition, if you wind up producing more energy than your property needs, you can even send that energy back to SDG&E through a process called Net Metering, which could save you even more money. Here's a quick look at how it works. Net Metering In San Diego, grid-connected solar energy system owners who generate an excessive amount of solar energy can feed it back to the grid. For every kilowatt-hour (kWh) you contribute, you get a credit on your utility bill for almost the full retail value of that kWh. The difference in payment is only a few cents, usually reserved to pay for environmental benefit programs that all SDG&E customers pay. You can use this credit to access the grid during periods when your solar panel system isn't making enough power to meet the demands of your property. It's a smart and easy way to maximize the return on your solar investment. Solar Supports the Environment Finally, another reason to go solar in San Diego is that it's simply better for the environment! When you aren't burning fossil fuels, you aren't releasing dangerous greenhouse gases into the air. This helps slow the pace of climate change, which benefits everything from wildlife habitats to our direct and indirect water supplies. One property can make a significant difference, protecting the humans and wildlife that rely on the city's ecosystem for daily sustenance. Are You Ready to Go Solar in San Diego? Now that you know a little more about why it's smart to embrace solar in San Diego, are you ready to learn how? At Semper Solaris, we're here to make the process easier than ever before. As a trusted, veteran-owned solar company, we can help you save even more on solar today. From initial design to final installation and support, we're there every step of the way. Book an appointment today and let's get started!
Find out what you can do to combat rising utility rates at the bottom of this article. Customers are furious after San Diego Gas & Electric Company is once again requesting to hike utility prices. Just recently, SDG&E was part of a record rate increase where they stated their customers can expect their energy bills to more than double. What type of rate hike is SDG&E asking for? San Diego Gas & Electric Company general rate case calls for huge revenue increases that if approved will begin in 2024 and run through 2027. The utility provider is asking regulators to approve new revenue of about $3.6 billion over a four-year period. Here is a breakdown of the four-year period: 2024: $449 million increase (17.6%) 2025: $315 million increase (10.5%) 2026: $306 million increase (9.2%) 2027: $279 million increase (7.7%) “I can’t afford to live without shaking in the cold,” said a resident of Carlsbad. “I can’t afford this.” What does this potential utility increase mean? This means that if this rate hike is approved by CPUC beginning next year (2024) an average electric customer's bill could jump about $108 a year and a gas customer would see a potential increase of $115 a year. That means that the 900 thousand customers who have both gas and electric services will have to shell out an extra $223 dollars. How do SDG&E customers feel about rate increases? On March 06, 2023 California regulators received heavy feedback from SDG&E customers that were upset with the utility company request to increase revenue during their general rate case. The truth is, San Diego residents feel powerless about the utility rate increases. Each year, SDG&E customers face growing rate increases that add financial burden and stress. Struggling families already face challenges paying bills, and upcoming increases could impact their monthly budget significantly. The company's lack of transparency and communication about their reasons for continuously increasing utility prices is frustrating residents. Many customers feel that these rate increases are unjustified and that the company (SDG&E) should do more to control their spend and costs instead of passing their costs to their customers. Furthermore, customers feel that they have no choice but to accept the rate increases, which leads to heavy dissatisfaction and a want to search for more affordable and reliable energy sources. San Diego residents have taken to twitter to express their concerns. $500 + for me. It’s just me and my girl, been outta town almost every weekend this year. Both work full time jobs. It’s insane — T.J. McKay (@CoachTJMcKay) March 7, 2023 I still cannot believe @SDGE has the audacity to propose this. Read the room. — Allie (@allieejayy) March 8, 2023 I simply cannot believe how much rates for both electricity and gas have increased in the last year. — Steve Linthicum (@slinthicum) January 4, 2023 What can San Diego Homeowners do to combat rising utility rates? As a San Diego Resident, it is important to voice your concerns and stay informed. Here is a link to the Public Forum on SDG&E's Rate Request where you can find more information and call in to provide your perspective and input. To fight high electricity rates in San Diego, homeowners can install a quality solar system that reduces or eliminates bills. If you are someone who does not like to depend on your electricity provider and would like to gain electric independence, then you must get solar energy paired with solar battery storage. Would you like to learn more about solar? Click here to schedule a free consultation today.
When people talk about going off the grid and living off the land, it sounds like a great dream, and possible. Today we have tiny homes and solar power and all kinds of portable this and that; it is plausible to take to the road and live without chains to your heart's content. But "going off the grid" can be applied in a more practical way for homeowners. Disconnecting from the central utility infrastructure that traditionally has delivered power to the home is possible with today's technology. Solar power is your first step toward energy independence. Solar Battery Storage in Chula Vista is the next. When you have surplus power, your utility company is much like a big battery, storing your excess energy for later use. Although it is a way to beat the high prices of the utility provider, they still find a way to inhibit the benefits of your solar power by charging taxes and fees for the use of their transmission and storage equipment. You will have control over costs by investing in the technology of the very near future. What is Microgrid? A microgrid is a local power system that operates separately from a central electrical utility grid. It uses an energy source, generator or battery, and a means of transmitting and supplying power to users. Communities can reach energy independence by being able to operate without a centralized power supply. And some cities are catching on to the idea. Solar backup batteries for creating microgrids have become more popular for municipalities and in places where the transmission of electrical power is outdated, inefficient, or has frequent power outages. They don't completely disconnect from the primary power grid, but they can operate independently with solar batteries in Chula Vista. How Do I Create My Own Microgrid You can produce your own power for your home by installing solar panels. Your solar panels also tie into the central power grid; however, with a microgrid system, you can operate independently of the provider whenever you choose. Just flip a switch, and there you are. If you want to become energy independent and power your home independently from the utility grid, it has never been easier. The first step is the installation of a solar electric system for your home. You will need to work with your solar installer to anticipate your power needs now, and in the future, so you are sure to have enough panels to grow into a well-running microgrid. With the growth of smart applications and appliances for homes, it is a good idea to add more panels than you need because they will provide extra power for your solar panel battery storage in Chula Vista as well anticipated power needs. What is your current usage? What additions do you plan on making to your home? Do you have a pool? Do you want to heat the pool? Do you plan on having an EV station soon? Do you need to charge batteries for an RV? Usually, you can start with one battery, but you can add on later if you need an array or your microgrid expands into your neighborhood or community. You never know what innovation will bring. Semper Solaris has much experience in the installation of solar power and solar battery backup in Chula Vista. Once you have ascertained how many panels you will need, it is time to evaluate the size battery backup storage you will need. We will make calculations based on sound data and extensive experience installing solar. The Future of Energy Independence Once you have solar panels, you can take the next step towards energy independence with the addition of a Tesla Powerwall or Enphase Encharge Battery solar back up battery. Microgrids are the future of electrical delivery as we move into the age of renewable energy. As more electricity becomes necessary to run appliances and devices that evolve from smart home innovation, it won't be so costly with solar and storage capacity in homes and communities. Prices are lower than ever for solar power and solar batteries. Homeowners in Chula Vista are looking at the potential savings and the benefits of more energy independence. Semper Solaris is proud to offer solar power and solar battery installation in Chula Vista. We are a Tesla Powerwall certified installer, so call us today, and let's plan for the future of your energy independence!
There are many ways that you can gain an advantage from installing backup battery storage with your solar panels. The backup battery stores power from your panels, which can be used during the time your panels are not producing electricity. You can save money if you use power during high peak hours when the cost of electricity is high. And it will keep your electricity on during a power outage. Backup batteries for solar power installations are becoming more efficient, more useful, and the prices have dropped considerably. Solar backup battery installation in El Cajon is attractive to homeowners and much more affordable. After the solar panel installation, they are the next step towards energy independence. How Solar Batteries in El Cajon Work Blackouts can occur when there is an incident that cuts the transmission of power from your utility company to your home. This type of disruption of power is often temporary, lasting only a few hours. But outages can occur when you least expect it. Your solar panels produce electricity from sunlight. The energy from the panels converts to AC power for your home, and the excess power feeds back into the grid. Your utility company operates as a mega backup battery storing the excess energy from your panels for later use. However, during a blackout, that auxiliary power is not available to your home. Solar Battery in A Power Outage During a power outage, your solar panels will continue to provide power to your home while the sun is shining. But they will stop producing energy when the sun goes down. The addition of a solar battery backup will keep the power on using stored energy to power your home. Your solar panels will keep your power on in a power outage if there is daylight. But once your solar panels stop producing energy for the day, your lights will go out along with everything else that runs on electricity. Solar Battery Storage in El Cajon allows you to keep the power on in both short term and long-term blackouts. A solar battery will keep your power running seamlessly. And when the sun rises in the morning, your panels will be back at work generating and providing electricity. With the addition of a backup battery, you can keep the power going for days and weeks if necessary. Solar Backup Batteries Save Lives Longer-term blackouts can occur when emergencies or natural disasters arise, like earthquakes, fires, floods, or other catastrophic events. Backup battery storage adds a layer of safety and peace of mind that is more than worth the price of the battery itself. El Cajon is in an area at high risk of wildfires. In a fire, it is essential to have your HVAC system running to filter particulates and contaminants that can enter the home. And in California, the danger of earthquakes is a likely event. In the event of a long-term blackout where communication is a necessity, solar power, and solar panel battery storage in El Cajon may save lives. Accessing emergency services, receiving evacuation orders, and knowing where to go could mean the difference between life and death. Solar equipment provides power for disaster relief all over the world. It only makes sense that solar panel installation, along with a backup battery, is an invaluable safety measure for your family. What to look for in Solar Backup Batteries There are several specifications to look at for storage batteries. The most important ones are the following: Capacity and power - how much power can it store? Depth of discharge – how much power can it produce? Efficiency – how much of the stored power is usable? Battery life – how long does it take the battery to empty? Semper Solaris technicians are experts in the installation of solar power along with solar backup storage. We use only the highest quality solar batteries, such as Tesla Powerwall or Enphase Encharge Battery, and we offer both the manufacturer and installation warranties on all batteries. In fact, we are a Tesla Powerwall certified installer, making us the most reputable solar contractor for your solar batteries in El Cajon. Call us today, and we will get you on the road to solar energy storage.
Researching solar panels from the best solar company in Lemon Grove can lead to serious questions. One question you may not think about is: what kind of maintenance and upkeep will your new solar panels require? At Semper Solaris, we won’t keep you in the dark! Here is a checklist to help you care for your solar panels. This list will help your panels perform at their peak capacity year ‘round. At any time you find that your panels need maintenance beyond cleaning, call Semper Solaris. Taking care of your panels requires little time, but the benefits are worth it! Importance of Cleaning Solar Panels Solar panels are very durable, and solar panel installation in Lemon Grove is a smart investment. They pay for themselves very quickly, so you want to take good care of that investment. Typically panels can exceed their average lifespan of 25 years and with a little TLC yours could last up to 40 years. </p I had my panels installed with the best solar installation in Lemon Grove -- Semper Solaris! What do I need to do to take care of them? How does dirt build-up affect my panels? Well, dirty panels can reduce your panel efficiency by 25%. That is quite a loss, and that’s the energy you could be powering your home with! Cleaning your panels is easy. It only needs to be done once or twice a year, depending on your local environments, such as close proximity to freeways or dusty areas like fields. If you have an exceptionally windy day, take a peek at them and make sure they are clear from debris. In especially dirty areas, some homeowners find they need to clean their panels every three to four months. Keep that in mind if you notice a drop in your panels’ productivity. How do I clean them? If your panels are on your roof, consider calling a professional to clean them. As your solar company in Lemon Grove, we can come to provide a cleaning service, and maintenance check on your panels-just give us a call! If your panels are easily accessible and safe for you to access, you can clean them yourself. Here are some tips for safely cleaning your panels: Clean them in the morning or the evening or even on an overcast day. If it is too hot, the water and cleanser will dry too quickly, leaving streaks and residue, which will decrease their ability to create power. Make sure you use a biodegradable and solar panel safe cleanser so that you don’t damage your panels or your plants! Use a soft sponge or brush and scrub gently in small, circular motions. Do not use abrasives or harsh cleansers! If you have hard water, do a final rinse with soft water to prevent calcium build-up. Use a soft towel or a squeegee to dry the panels to avoid streaks! You can also have us install a monitoring system to keep track of the energy produced from your panels. If you notice a drop in production, it may be time to clean your panels! At Semper Solaris, we know your investment in solar is important to you. We want you to be happy with your panels and taking care of them is the best way to ensure the longevity of your solar system!
GAME-CHANGING SOLAR PANEL TECHNOLOGY Solar power is the number one energy alternative to fossil fuels. It is cost-effective, efficient, and it is here to stay. As solar becomes more efficient, innovation and groundbreaking technologies will lead the way to more usability of the power of the sun in appliances and devices and yet unknown applications. At Semper Solaris, we are always looking for future technologies in solar power that will change our industry and move the line forward in powering the future. We are the best solar company in El Cajon to get you started on your solar power journey. Solar Panel Technology If you are considering switching to solar power, you may be interested in some of the new technologies emerging that make panels better overall. From the materials used to methods of light conversion, solar panels are at the forefront of new technology as innovators discover ways to make solar panels more efficient and productive. The design and aesthetics are also considered as homeowners are interested in the curb appeal of panels and integrating solar into the design and aesthetics of their home. Many new offerings will allow a customized look for solar panel installation in El Cajon. New Designs Improve Performance and Aesthetics According to the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, "Not all of the sunlight that reaches a PV cell is converted into electricity. Most of it is lost. Multiple factors in solar cell design play roles in limiting a cell's ability to convert the sunlight it receives. Designing with these factors in mind is how higher efficiencies can be achieved." Solar panels produce electricity at a rate of around 15 to 20 percent. Scientists and engineers have been working to improve the efficiency and the amount of sunlight converted from solar cells. Some new technologies have emerged that are game-changers for the solar industry. Bifacial Solar Panels absorb light from both sides of the panel. One is facing the sun and one collecting light from reflected surfaces. This design improves the efficiency of the panels, allowing more power to be obtained than traditional panels. Maxim Integrated Technology will change the way solar panels work. The technology increases energy production and more even delivery as well as flexibility in design and placement. Clear Solar Panels Change the face of the solar industry with a solar film on windows that generate power through the absorbing of Ultraviolet light. This will increase the efficiency of solar energy while keeping the aesthetics of a building intact. Solar Roof Tiles or shingles are a bit more expensive than traditional panels but can be seamlessly incorporated into the roof and design of the home. Solar Skin Design "new technology brings designs for a custom look to match your roof to your solar panel system with smart grids that are smaller than traditional panels. A few companies are pioneering this" Solar Tracking for homes that cannot support rooftop solar, ground-mounted systems on poles now have the option of solar tracking mounts that self-adjust to the sun. Semper Solaris offers the best solar panel installation in El Cajon with affordable and flexible plans using the very best equipment available. We can help you design a system that is best for your home, whether rooftop or ground-mounted systems or any other available option. We are excited about the advancements in solar panel technology that allow more and more homeowners to realize the dream of solar power in a way that fits their lifestyle and budget.
SOLAR POWER AROUND THE WORLD Solar power is the number one renewable energy and the most cost-effective power source in the world. Moreover, the world is moving to solar energy as fast as it can. With technology advancing more and more, there will be more need for electricity in the future, not less. Solar brings electricity into hard to reach places and third world countries where it has been trying to access modern life because of the cost of electrical grid infrastructure. It is imperative to advance and spread solar technology as quickly and efficiently as possible. Moreover, here at home, that dream has become a reality for homeowners. Semper Solaris is the best solar power company in Carmel Valley, and we are on the frontlines of moving solar forward. Benefits of Solar Your electricity doesn’t have to be a burden, and yet for many, it is. There are costs attached to the production of power and electricity. Although solar power isn’t completely free, it is open enough to allow significantly lower costs on electricity for consumers. Rooftop solar can produce enough energy to lower and even eliminate your electric bill. With solar power, you can use as much as you need for lights, air conditioning, appliances, and devices without worrying about the cost. Solar will increase the value of your home and offer other financial benefits besides the savings on your power bill. You will be contributing to the new, renewable energy economy free of carbon-based fuels and waste. Semper Solaris offers the very best solar panel installation in Carmel Valley. We know our business and offer the best equipment available. We are experts in the design and installation of solar power and can help get you up and running in no time. Energy Independence With solar making headway globally, there is a move towards making electricity independent of the grid through technological advances. Microgrids offer a new way to distribute electricity, opening the door for electrical power to expand throughout the world and to be more accessible by more people. Energy independence can be achieved as we move away from reliance on fossil-fuel driven, centralized power production plants. Nature has been using the power of the sun since life began. The sun makes the earth sustainable for human life. It only makes sense that this amazing technology should be extended not only to our cities but to the most remote places around the world. The breakthrough technology of the past few decades allows solar power to be installed on the roof of a home and generate enough electricity to power the home. Solar on rooftops has grown into the most viable alternative, renewable energy for powering buildings and all manner of electronic appliances and devices. Even NASA Will launch rockets into space using solar power. Whether you want to save money or save the planet, solar power is the most viable option for both. Semper Solaris is on the cutting edge of solar technology and offers the best solar installation in Carmel Valley. Call us and let us help you go solar for you and the world around you.
If you are considering solar panels for your home in Rancho Santa Fe, then you must be wondering how long do solar panels last. Most home solar panels come with a warranty of between 20 and 30 years. This means that solar panels can last for more than 30 years if they are well maintained. Solar panels don't die once the warranty period elapses. It can still serve you for many years if well taken care of. According to a study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a standard solar panel loses about 0.5 percent of its energy efficiency per year. This means that if a solar panel has a warranty of 25 years, then by the time the warranty ends, the solar panel power efficiency will be around 88 percent. Even after 25 years, your solar system will still perform almost at its full potential. Tips on how to increase the lifespan of your solar panel There is no doubt that solar panels are long-lasting. However, solar panels are sitting on top of the roof. Here, they are exposed to many elements, including harsh weather that can decrease their lifespan. Here's how to expand your solar system's lifespan: 1. Hire reputable solar installation in Rancho Santa Fe The best way to increase your solar panel lifespan is by hiring a reliable solar panel installation in Rancho Santa Fe. Solar panel installation is complicated, so hiring an expert is recommended. A reputable solar company in Rancho Santa Fe will conduct an inspection to ensure that your future system is what you expect. If you are looking for the best solar company in Rancho Santa Fe, then Semper Solaris is the best choice for you. We take pride in being the top solar installation and repair company Rancho Santa Fe. When you choose us, we promise that it will serve you for a long time. 2. Protect your solar panel from debris, dust and other damaging materials Debris, dirt, dust, pollen grains, birds dropping, falling branches, and dust can decrease your solar panel's lifespan if they are not contained. The best way to protect your solar system from damage is by covering the panel with an enclosed mesh covering. This will help prevent birds from taking shelter in the panels. It will also prevent falling branches from landing directly into the panels, damaging it in the process. Cleaning the panel will also help get rid of dirt, dust, and other materials that have accumulated on the panels, preventing it from operating efficiently. If you want to increase the lifespan of your solar panel, then you need to ensure that it is well maintained. That can only happen if you choose the best solar installation in Rancho Santa Fe to take care of your solar panel. Semper Solaris is an experienced solar panel installation and repair company in Rancho Santa Fe. We will not only install a quality solar panel that will last for long, but we will also ensure that the panel is well maintained. The reason why many homeowners in Rancho Santa Fe trust us is that we always deliver what we promise. Don't wait, call us today!
Lakeside is a beautiful and tranquil place to live for those of us who want a more rural experience while being close to San Diego for work and entertainment. The weather is near perfect-we experience 260 days of sunshine, which is 30% above the national average. This means that installing solar is a great way to use clean, renewable, and infinite energy for your home. Semper Solaris would love to help you with your solar panel installation in Lakeside! Within recent years, the cost of solar has plummeted 60% while the cost of energy keeps rising. We have seen an increase of more than 13% in the last year alone! All of this just means that your solar will provide you with the freedom to continue to use your air conditioning and electronic devices without worrying about the rising cost of energy! If you are looking for the best solar panel installation in Lakeside, you have found it! We know integrity, honesty, and hard-working people matter, and we provide the best quality service in the industry. We are a military veteran-owned company. We employ many veterans as well because we know their work ethic is above par. The best solar company in Lakeside is one that offers impeccable service along with the best American Made products on the market, and that is us! How do panels work? The energy that is harnessed from the sun creates an electrical charge in the cells of the solar panels. These cells then power your home. They are generally placed on rooftops, but if you have a lot of land, you can place them on the ground as well. What if I have excess power? Excess power is a significant problem to have! SDGE offers a program called net metering. What this means is that when your panels create more energy than you can use, the power company buys it from you in the form of credits. You can use those credits on days that your panels may not keep up with your usage due to bad weather so that you do not have to pay an electrical bill. Contact a solar contractor in Fullerton today from Semper Solaris. Our knowledgeable customer care staff members will help schedule a time for a technician to come and evaluate your home. They will evaluate your existing roof structure to make sure it can support a solar panel system. We can go over which solar panels are right for your home and your usage, and we can give you an estimate on your installation. We will go over the types of American Made solar panels we use, as well as outstanding warranties these products come with. The companies we work with back their products with a 25-year warranty, which is the life of the product! We strive to make the experience as simple as possible!
Semper Solaris, a top-ranked solar company in Southern California, can offer you the best solar installation in Fairbanks Ranch. We are a military veteran owned and operated company, and we understand that our customers expect impeccable service, and an honest, respectful, and exceptional work crew. We can provide that for you. We are rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau and only use American Made products in our company. We strive to make your solar installation quick, simple, and painless as possible. Solar Company in Fairbanks Ranch If you need a solar company in Fairbanks Ranch that understands your unique needs, we are here to assist you. Investing in your home is always a smart choice, and installing solar panels is an excellent way to add value to your home. Fairbanks Ranch is a small and beautiful community. We understand the needs of your HOA and can work with them to make sure your panels are in compliance with where they are installed. Solar panels can provide an additional monetary return on the sale of your home if and when you choose to sell. Many homeowners report an average of $15,000 in extra revenue! The climate in Fairbanks Ranch is ideal for a maximum output of solar-powered energy. We experience an average of 263 days of sunshine, which is higher than the national average. This means that your solar panels can generate a lot of power and can offset the cost of your existing electrical bills. Depending on the size of the system and your usage, you can even drop your bill to zero! There are incentives available for California Residents! You may qualify for a Federal tax credit and other local or state incentives. So, when you schedule your appointment with us, we can go over what is currently available to you and what you are eligible for. San Diego and its outlying areas are striving to be using 100% renewable energy by 2035, and you can be a part of that! At Semper Solaris, a solar contractor in Fairbanks Ranch will be able to help you know what programs you can use! Additionally, SDGE offers net metering, which is a program that provides you credits for your excess solar energy. SDGE will “buy” it from you and then you can use those earned credits for the days when your solar panels may not keep up with usage due to inclement weather. Call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our professional installers. We will evaluate your needs and where the panels can be installed. They can also go over your other options and discuss the benefits of solar with you. We can help you decide which American Made panels would be the best choice for your home. As an added assurance, our panels all come with up to a 25-year warranty. That is a great guarantee!
If you plan to install a solar system in your Descanso home, you are already aware of the money you will save on utility bills. Did you know that you can improve the performance of your solar panels and enhance their usefulness beyond saving money or reducing your carbon footprint? There are simple steps you can take for solar can be a way to improve your day to day life. Solar power is generated by way of sunlight being collected by Solar Panels made up of photovoltaic cells. The sunlight is transformed into energy and circulated to your home’s electrical system. The more the sun shines on your panels, the more electricity they generate. The benefits of solar power installation in Descanso both economically and environmentally are clear. Save money on your utility costs Hedge against rising energy costs Increase in the value of your home Achieve Energy Independence Lower Carbon Footprint Solar in Descanso California is ahead of the curve when it comes to solar power. Homeowners in Descanso are joining the move towards the elimination of carbon-based fuel. It is a great time to join the solar revolution that is taking place across the country. Semper Solaris is the go-to solar contractor for the best solar installation in Descanso. We are experts with years of experience serving this city and the surrounding areas. We can make the installation of solar easy for you and help you with financing, including incentives and rebates, to make solar an affordable option. Investment in Solar Power in Descanso Investing in solar now will prepare your home for the future of technology and smart home innovation, and all without harming the earth or creating more greenhouse gases. And with the price of solar dropping drastically, solar power is an attractive investment for you and the future of sustainability. But the benefits of solar go beyond the financial savings and environmental issues to your everyday life. Solar is a growing field, and there are ways to make it more productive as well as enhance its usefulness. Get More from Your Solar Panels Use smart apps to monitor your solar panels' energy output, and your usage to determine the most productive hours. Use the most energy-hungry appliances during your solar panel’s most productive time. Use Energy Star appliances - nearly 40 percent less energy. Keep your panels clean – Wash, clear debris, such as leaves or branches or dirt to avoid a reduction in energy yield. Keep trees and foliage trimmed, so they aren’t blocking or shading your panels from the sun. Expand the Usefulness of Solar You can enhance the value of your solar installation in creative ways from using backup systems to heating your pool. Add extra panels, or overbuild, to enhance the potential of your system now and in the future. Store power with a Semper Solaris Battery Backup system for your home to make up for when your panels are not generating enough energy. The combination of solar panels with a backup battery like Tesla Powerwall can meet nearly 90 percent of your energy needs. Heat your water with a Solar Water Heater The extra panels could pay for themselves just by reducing the cost of hot water. And heat your pool with a Solar Pool Heater Heating a pool is expensive. A solar pool heater and filtering system will let you enjoy your pool and spa year-round. Semper Solaris is the solar company in Descanso that will help you maximize the value of your solar system. If you have not installed solar in your home, prices are lower than they ever have been with rebates and tax incentives. We are on the frontier of innovative solar technology and its uses. You can do more than save money or reduce your carbon footprint, you can use your solar power in ways that improve your life. We are the best solar contractor in Descanso for your Solar power installation. Call us today, and let’s get started on your solar adventure.
While panning the night sky in Borrego Springs, no errant lighting casts a mist over this extraordinary canvas of stars glowing against a pitch-black sky. Stargazing is the thing to do with these very starry skies at night. In fact, Borrego Springs is a place to enjoy nature both day and night. Solar Panel Installation in Borrego Springs yields quiet enjoyment. And at night, the sleepy solar cells retire, until tomorrow when they will begin another day of harnessing the power of the sun. Solar power has no moving parts, does not create any waste or pollution of the air or water. It makes no noise and is the perfect form of electricity for preserving natural surroundings. Light Pollution According to an article in World Atlas, "Light pollution is the existence of artificial light sources in what would otherwise be a naturally dark setting." There are five types of light pollution. Glare - light bouncing off reflective surfaces Light trespass - light shining into personal space from some outside source Skyglow - aerial view of all the light produced in a city and its surrounding area Light clutter - disorganized light like along roadways Over-illumination – overuse of lights for brightness and the amount of time left on. Light pollution can affect the natural ecosystem just as other types of pollution affect the environment by interrupting the nocturnal creatures who need darkness for their activities, some even for hunting and breeding. In fact, baby turtles, newly born on the beaches, use the light from the moon to scurry into the ocean for the very first time. Light pollution obscures the ability for the little creatures to find their way—and some of them don't make it to their new home at all. Dark Sky Community Borrego springs sit very close to downtown San Diego with the bright lights illuminating the city sky and beach communities. But the village of Borrego Springs is a designated "international dark sky" community. No stoplights and minimal nighttime lighting preserve the natural, dark sky ambiance. Light pollution in this beautiful natural environment does not exist. Surrounded by a state park, pristine is the best description for this town. Here in Borrego Springs, the environment matters. Semper Solaris offers the best solar installation in Borrego springs. Reduce your carbon footprint, enjoy the quiet, the clean air, the beautiful starry nights along with stargazers and animals alike. Solar Power for your Borrego Springs Home The benefits of solar power for protecting the environment are well known. Cutting our carbon footprint is the key to cleaner air and a safer, unpolluted environment. The Borrego Springs Community understands the importance of preserving the desert ecosystem balance. And with the added component of reducing light pollution at night, this city is a unique example of the best practices in balancing the interests of the population with nature. Semper Solaris is the best Solar Company in Borrego Springs. We have years of experience in the installation of solar power in the diverse communities of San Diego County. Borrego Springs is on the forefront of protecting the environment and preserving the dark skies for the night time habitat and stargazers alike. We can help you with the best options for your unique situation. The addition of a solar backup system is a good idea for your home and community, giving you options for off-grid operations. Borrego Springs as a municipality operates on a microgrid system. Homeowners are following suit so that there is less reliance on traditional utility companies and more independence from the grid. Borrego Springs as a designated Dark-sky community means that Borrego Springs is forward-thinking and aware of preserving their surroundings for future generations. Semper Solaris is the solar contractor in Borrego Springs that will help get your solar system up and running in no time. We can help you with the discounts and financing available to you, which will offset the cost of installation. And you will save big by going solar not only for the environment but your pocketbook. Call us today and let us help you go solar.
Bonita, California, is known for frequent flooding due to heavy rains during El Nino. Earthquakes are a concern living near the La Nacion Fault lines. And wildfires are a fact of life in this at-risk Southern California area. Being prepared for any of these eventualities is crucial to your safety and even survival. Planning now will be to your best advantage in the event of natural or other disasters. Food and water, shelter, and supplies are critical to safety and survival during and after a disaster. And rooftop solar is the most reliable energy source if the grid goes down. Solar power in Bonita, along with a solar backup system, will benefit you in the event of any of these disasters. Semper Solaris is the best solar company in Bonita. We have many options for choosing a system that suits your needs. We offer top quality, reliable backup battery systems like Tesla Powerwall that are designed to hold up in harsh conditions and will keep your power on and your communication systems operational during and after an emergency. We will even monitor your panels from our central location for any problems that might arise. Flooding Flooding is not a threat to your solar panels. They can operate in inclement weather. Unless your house is underwater, your solar system will continue to produce electricity. If the grid goes down, a solar backup battery will enable you to keep in touch with emergency services. Be sure to prepare and have a plan for a flood hazard. Earthquakes Solar manufacturers design solar Panels for seismic activity as well as harsh weather conditions. They can take quite a beating while still working to provide electricity. The panels are constructed from tempered glass and mounted securely on the roof. Semper Solaris, the best solar contractor in Bonita, uses top-rated roof mount systems that are robust and tested in extreme environments. The addition of a backup battery system will enable you to use your power in the event of an earthquake when it is probable that your power will be interrupted. Be prepared for an earthquake in the San Diego area. Wildfires Solar panels are built to endure high heat, but they are not fireproof. If you have not yet evacuated and the flames are not close, there is smoke and debris in the air. It is essential to run your HVAC system during the critical parts of a fire. It will filter pollutants coming into the home. With a widespread wildfire, it is likely that the power grid will go down. With a backup battery, your HVAC can continue to operate at least while you are safe in your home. Semper Solaris' uses the safest and most durable panels for solar panel installation in Bonita. Our solar panels meet building and fire codes and are reliable even in high temperatures like those in the hot desert. There is no telling how higher temperatures will interfere with energy production. It is best to prepare to evacuate in the event of a wildfire and keep communication lines open. A backup system will keep your panels running and your power on as long as possible. Plan and be sure you know what to do in the event of a wildfire that threatens your home. Solar panels are resilient and can be a lifesaver in the event of any of these possible scenarios. They have no moving parts and a high likelihood of surviving most disasters. That is why solar power is utilized in disaster relief efforts all over the world. Semper Solaris cares about the safety of you and your family. The use of solar power in Bonita will serve you well when you need it the most. If you have a solar system or are in the market for one, Semper Solaris will help you choose the best solar system for your needs. We are experts in emergency preparation and can install high-quality, reliable solar backup systems. Call us today and let us help you go solar in Bonita.