
Made in America | Solar Panels, Battery Storage, Roofing, HVAC

When you choose to install solar panels, it's important to have the right solar installer for the job. If you want to take advantage of everything solar panels have to offer, it's essential that you have the right materials and installation. A solar panel system that's too small or has been poorly installed isn't going to give you what you need to cover your energy usage. Today, we'll tell you how to get the best solar installation in El Cajon. Over 14,000 megawatts of solar were installed in California last year alone. There are many great solar companies making this happen, so keep reading and let us help direct you to the best one. Solar Company Reputation The first thing to look at when choosing a solar company is its reputation. Installing solar panels is a big job that alters your home, so you need to trust the people doing it. You can get a sense of your solar installer's reputation by taking a look at the online ratings and reviews. Look for major red flags in the reviews. Issues with installation, major equipment failures, and customer service issues are all common problems for lesser solar installers. Pick three to five of the top-rated companies to contact for estimates. Warranties and Insurance When you're talking to these companies, you'll need to discuss timelines, installation cost, and equipment selection. What plenty of homeowners tend to overlook, however, are warranties and insurance. You need to make sure that you have both service and equipment warranties on your solar panels. Without them, you could be on the hook for any mistakes that your solar installer and manufacturer make. General liability insurance is essential anytime you have home services working at your home. If any damage happens to your property and the company doesn't have insurance, you'll have to pay for it. Equipment Options Your solar installer should be able to offer you a wide range of the best solar panels and battery storage. Every homeowner's needs are different and a good solar installer will be able to cater their services and products to what is best for you. Solar Knowledge Lastly, solar installers should be able to answer any questions you might have about going green. For example, most homeowners want to know about the many solar incentives that become available when you install panels. It's a good idea to come up with a list of questions to ask different solar companies. The ones that can best answer your questions are probably viable candidates to install your solar panel system. Get the Best Solar Installation in El Cajon There are dozens of solar companies in El Cajon, but if you want reliable solar installation, you need Semper Solaris. We offer veteran-owned and operated solar installation in El Cajon with an A-rating on BBB.  Contact us today to learn more about our special offers and discuss your solar needs with one of our dedicated and knowledgeable professionals. With our help, going green can be quick and painless.

According to the National Solar Jobs Census, the U.S. solar industry employed 263,883 solar workers in 2022. That's 3.5% more than in 2021. In this way, by choosing solar panels manufactured locally for your installation, you're helping boost the economy and keep Americans employed. We're proud to say that Semper Solaris in San Diego only uses American-made solar panels in our installations. Keep reading to find out why we choose these top brands. How Do Solar Panels Impact Your Solar Installation? Solar panel prices increased by 5% in 2022 for residential installations. That means it now costs around $21,000 to install a home solar panel system in San Diego. This is a major investment for most homeowners, but you will enjoy substantial savings on your electricity bill as a result. Your solar panels play a huge role in how much you'll save when you go solar, so you must ensure you get the best solar panels in San Diego when you switch over. The different types of solar panels have varying efficiencies. For instance, Silfab PERC Solar Panels have an efficiency rating of 20% and a 30-year power warranty. U.S.-manufactured QCell solar panels have a 22% efficiency rating and an average lifespan of 25 years. By contrast, cheap imported polycrystalline panels have an average efficiency rating of just 15%.  The Benefits of Installing America's Best Solar Panels Silfab and Q-Cell solar panels are among America's best-selling solar panels, and for good reason. This is what they have to offer: Q-Cell Solar Panels Q-Cells started under the banner of Hanwha Q-Cells in Germany and later in South Korea. Over time, the company expanded globally. Their solar assembly facility in Dalton, Georgia, is now the largest in the Western Hemisphere, with a manufacturing capacity of 3.1 GW. The manufacturer guarantees their panels will produce 98% of their rating in the first year. After that, they degrade by only 0.54% annually. Silfab Solar Panels Silfab has its origins in North America and has locations in Bellingham, Washington State, and Ontario, Canada. It's one of the country's leading solar panel manufacturers and a preferred provider for both the FAA and U.S. military properties. The company offers two main products, namely Silfab Prime and Silfab Elite. Silfab Elite panels have PERC technology and back-contact solar cells, which maximize the solar energy collected by each cell. The Silfab Prime panels have half-cut solar cells, to reduce resistive losses within the solar panel and thus produce more energy. Smaller cells also help increase the solar panels' durability. Work With Semper Solaris in San Diego As one of the best local solar companies, Semper Solaris in San Diego is committed to providing our customers with only the best service and materials. That's why we only use American-made Q-Cell and Silfab solar panels. These locally-produced technologies support our economy and ensure ongoing employment for our people. They're also by far the best solution for San Diego homeowners who want to maximize their solar investment. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you slash your utility bills and reduce your carbon emissions.

Harnessing the raw energy of the sun has never been easier, with the explosive advancement in solar technology. At the forefront is the Tesla Solar Battery, a cutting-edge device that ushers in an era where dependency on fossil fuels becomes a distant memory. With a seamless blend of efficiency, sustainability, and revolutionary design, the Tesla Powerwall offers unparalleled potential for homeowners to unlock the power of solar energy. This blog post will guide you on a journey to discover this innovation that transforms sunlight into round-the-clock renewable energy, delivering heightened performance in environmental responsibility, electricity savings, and power outage protection. Get ready to step into the future! Tesla's solar batteries, such as the Powerwall, offer a variety of features including energy storage for self-consumption, backup power during outages, integration with solar panels, and seamless switching between grid and battery power. The Powerwall can store up to 13.5 kWh of energy, making it ideal for residential or commercial use. Additionally, these batteries are designed for durability and safety with liquid thermal control to regulate temperature and prevent overheating. Exploring Tesla Solar Battery Features Tesla has revolutionized the renewable energy market with its cutting-edge solar battery technology. The Tesla Solar Battery, also known as the Powerwall, boasts a range of features that make it an excellent choice for homeowners looking to unlock the full potential of solar energy. One standout feature of the Tesla Solar Battery is its impressive storage capacity. With a total energy capacity of up to 13.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh), it can store excess solar energy generated during the day for use during nighttime or periods of high energy demand. This means that even when the sun isn't shining, homeowners can still tap into clean and renewable energy, reducing their reliance on the traditional power grid. Another key attribute of the Tesla Solar Battery is its seamless integration with existing solar panel systems. Designed to work in harmony with solar arrays, the Powerwall can be easily integrated into both new and existing setups. This integration allows homeowners to optimize their solar power usage and maximize their energy savings. Additionally, the Powerwall is compatible with both residential and commercial applications, offering versatility for various energy needs. One noteworthy feature that sets the battery apart is its ability to provide backup power during outages. In regions prone to blackouts or areas where power supply stability is a concern, having a reliable backup energy source can be crucial. The Tesla Powerwall can automatically detect power outages and seamlessly switch over to provide uninterrupted power to essential appliances and critical systems in your home. This capability offers peace of mind and ensures that homeowners stay powered up even during unforeseen circumstances. Furthermore, the Tesla Solar Battery comes equipped with smart monitoring capabilities. Through a user-friendly mobile app, homeowners can monitor their real-time energy consumption, solar production, and battery status. This level of transparency empowers homeowners to make informed decisions regarding their energy usage and identify opportunities for further efficiency improvements. Now that we have explored the impressive features of the Tesla Solar Battery, let's dive into the unique advantages it offers for homeowners. From long-term cost efficiency to environmental sustainability, the benefits are undeniable. Unique Advantages of Tesla Solar Battery One of the standout advantages of the Tesla Solar Battery is its long-term cost efficiency. While the upfront investment may be higher compared to other options, such as traditional backup generators, the Powerwall offers significant savings in the long run. By harnessing solar energy and storing it for later use, homeowners can reduce their reliance on grid electricity and potentially eliminate or drastically reduce their monthly electricity bills. This can amount to substantial savings over time and make a positive impact on household budgets. Another advantage is the environmental sustainability that comes with utilizing the Tesla Solar Battery. By relying more on renewable energy sources like solar power, homeowners can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. The Powerwall allows households to become more self-sufficient when it comes to energy consumption, reducing their dependence on fossil fuels and non-renewable resources. Furthermore, owning a Tesla Solar Battery provides greater energy independence and flexibility. Homeowners are less susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices or potential energy shortages in their area. This freedom from utility companies puts control back into the hands of homeowners, allowing them to manage their own energy consumption and take advantage of favorable market conditions. The sleek design of the Tesla Powerwall adds aesthetic value to your home. With its compact size and stylish appearance, it seamlessly blends into any environment without compromising on performance. So not only does it provide functional benefits but also enhances the visual appeal of your property. Imagine living in an area where power outages are frequent due to severe weather conditions. With a Tesla Solar Battery installed in your home, you would have peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable source of backup power whenever needed. Whether it's keeping critical appliances running during an outage or simply enjoying the comforts of electricity during a storm, the Powerwall offers an invaluable advantage. The Tesla Powerwall offers long-term cost efficiency, environmental sustainability, energy independence and flexibility, and adds aesthetic value to your home. It can significantly reduce monthly electricity bills by harnessing solar energy and storing it for later use, reducing reliance on grid electricity. It allows households to become more self-sufficient when it comes to energy consumption, contributing to a greener future while providing reliable backup power during outages. The Powerwall provides greater control over energy consumption and offers an invaluable advantage in areas prone to power outages due to severe weather conditions. Long-Term Cost Efficiency When considering investing in solar energy, one of the primary concerns for homeowners is the long-term cost efficiency. After all, the initial installation and equipment expenses can be a significant investment. However, with battery storage, you can unlock the true potential of solar power and enjoy substantial cost savings over time. The key to understanding long-term cost efficiency lies in how a solar battery operates. This innovative technology allows you to store excess energy generated from your solar panels during the day and use it later when sunlight is not available, such as at night or during cloudy weather. By maximizing self-consumption and reducing reliance on the grid, you can significantly cut down on your electricity bill. Let's consider an example to illustrate this point. Imagine you have a Tesla Powerwall installed along with your solar panels. During peak daylight hours, your panels generate more energy than you need for immediate consumption. Instead of sending this excess power back to the grid (and potentially receiving only minimal compensation), it gets stored in the battery for later use. Later in the evening, when your solar panels are no longer producing electricity, you can tap into the stored energy from in your Tesla Powerwall. This means that instead of purchasing electricity from the grid at higher rates during non-peak hours, you can rely on your stored solar power. Over time, these savings can accumulate significantly and make a remarkable difference in your overall energy costs. For instance, if you were previously paying $200 per month for electricity before installing solar panels + battery storage, you might see a reduction of up to 80% or more depending on your energy consumption habits and climate conditions. This translates into thousands of dollars in savings over the lifespan of your solar panel system. Think of it as having a personal savings account for electricity – depositing excess energy during the day and withdrawing it when needed, avoiding the high costs of grid-based electricity during peak hours. Now that we understand the long-term cost efficiency of the Tesla Powerwall, let's explore another crucial benefit: minimized carbon footprint. Minimized Carbon Footprint In an age where environmental sustainability is at the forefront of global concerns, reducing our carbon footprint has become a paramount goal. Solar batteries play a crucial role in achieving this objective by minimizing the environmental impact associated with traditional energy sources. The use of solar power generated by your panels and stored in your Tesla Powerwall significantly reduces reliance on fossil fuels. By harnessing clean and renewable energy from the sun, you decrease the demand for conventional electricity derived from coal, oil, or gas. As a result, harmful greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced, helping combat climate change. Consider this: A typical American household generates approximately 7.5 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year through electrical consumption alone. By investing in solar panels and utilizing a battery storage system, you can slash these emissions by nearly 100%. This reduction is equivalent to planting dozens of trees or removing several cars from the road annually. Furthermore, when combined with Tesla Powerwall, an integrated energy management system, homeowners can optimize their energy usage even further. Powerwall intelligently manages energy flows, ensuring maximum utilization of stored solar power and further decreasing reliance on grid-based electricity. With each passing day of clean solar power usage, your carbon footprint continues to shrink. While some argue that the production process for solar panels involves manufacturing emissions and that battery technology still relies on rare earth metals with environmental consequences, it is important to note that these impacts are significantly outweighed by the emission reductions achieved over the lifetime use of these technologies. Having explored the benefits of long-term cost efficiency and a minimized carbon footprint with solar batteries, let's now delve into understanding its functional dynamics. According to Tesla, its Powerwall can store 13.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, which is enough energy to power an average home for about half a day. In terms of efficiency, Tesla claims that their power walls can achieve a round-trip efficiency of approximately 90%. This means that for every 100 kWh of electricity you put into the battery, you’ll get about 90 kWh back. An MIT Technology Review study in 2019 found that the use of a Tesla solar battery could potentially reduce household electricity costs by up to 47%. Functional Dynamics of Tesla Solar Battery The Tesla Solar Battery is a remarkable innovation that allows homeowners to harness the full potential of solar energy. It functions as a crucial component in a solar power system, enabling the storage and efficient utilization of electricity generated by solar panels. By understanding the functional dynamics of the Tesla Solar Battery, we can truly unlock the power of solar energy. At its core, the Tesla Solar Battery acts as an energy reservoir, capable of storing excess electricity produced by solar panels during periods of high sun exposure. This surplus energy can then be used during times when the panels are not generating sufficient power, such as at night or on cloudy days. Think of it as a backup source of electricity that ensures you have uninterrupted access to clean and renewable energy. To better grasp how this works, let's consider an example: Imagine you have a Tesla Solar Battery installed alongside your solar panels. During the day, your panels generate more electricity than you immediately need to power your home. Instead of letting this energy go to waste or being sent back to the grid, it is stored in the battery. Later in the evening or during peak times when your panels are not producing as much electricity, you can utilize the stored energy from the battery to meet your household's power demands. The advantage of having a Tesla Solar Battery lies in its ability to optimize self-consumption and reduce reliance on utility grid power. Some may argue that relying solely on solar panels without a battery system can still provide substantial savings on electricity bills. While that may be true, it's worth considering scenarios where unexpected power outages occur or fluctuations in electricity prices arise. In such instances, a battery storage system becomes invaluable, providing peace of mind and stability. Now that we understand the fundamental role of the Tesla Solar Battery, let's dive into the intricate relationship between solar panels and battery synchronization. Solar Panel and Battery Synchronization The synchronization between solar panels and battery storage is a vital aspect of optimizing the performance and efficiency of your solar power system. It ensures that energy generated by the panels seamlessly flows into the battery, enhancing its charging capabilities. This synchronization process involves two key components: the inverter and the battery management system (BMS). When sunlight strikes the solar panels, they convert this solar energy into direct current (DC) electricity. The inverter then converts this DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used to power your home. Additionally, the inverter plays a significant role in controlling the flow of energy from the solar panels to the battery. The battery management system (BMS) is a sophisticated technology integrated within the Tesla Solar Battery. Its primary function is to regulate and optimize the charging and discharging processes of the battery. By monitoring variables such as voltage, temperature, and state of charge, the BMS ensures that the battery operates at maximum efficiency while also safeguarding its longevity. Just like a conductor directing an orchestra, these components work together harmoniously to ensure that every drop of solar energy is harnessed efficiently and effectively. For instance, imagine a situation where your solar panels are producing more electricity than your household requires at a given moment. Instead of letting this excess energy go unused or being sent back to the grid, it flows seamlessly into the battery for storage. The BMS carefully monitors the state of charge and other crucial parameters to ensure optimal charging and discharging cycles, maximizing energy utilization. Process of Charging and Power Distribution Understanding the process of charging and power distribution with a Tesla Solar Battery is crucial to maximizing the benefits of this innovative technology. Once your solar panels generate electricity, it flows into the Tesla Solar Battery for storage. The battery, acting as a central hub, stores the excess energy produced during peak sunlight hours, ensuring it's readily available for use when solar production decreases, such as during nighttime or overcast days. By intelligently managing your energy usage, the Tesla Powerwall allows you to become self-sufficient and reduce reliance on the electrical grid. When your home needs electricity, the stored energy from the battery is seamlessly integrated into your home's electrical system. This provides a continuous power supply without any disruption or dependence on utility companies. Picture this scenario: It's an evening filled with clear skies and your solar panels have been working diligently throughout the day, generating excess energy. As night falls, instead of relying solely on traditional utility-provided electricity, your Tesla Solar Battery kicks in. It seamlessly supplies power to your home, keeping lights illuminated, appliances running smoothly, and even charging your electric vehicle if you have one. You are enjoying a sustainable lifestyle while maintaining control over your energy usage. The efficient power distribution process ensures that clean and renewable energy powers your household reliably throughout the day and night. Not only does this reduce your carbon footprint, but it also provides peace of mind and resilience during power outages or other unforeseen events. Calculating Your Savings with Tesla Powerwall With a solar battery, like a Tesla Powewall, installed as part of your solar energy system, you can experience significant savings on your electricity bills while reducing reliance on the traditional power grid. But how do you calculate these potential savings? To accurately determine your savings with a solar battery, there are several factors to consider: Energy Consumption: Start by assessing how much electricity your household consumes on average. Understanding your energy usage patterns and requirements will help determine the optimal size of the Tesla Solar Battery for your needs. Solar Production: Evaluate how much energy your solar panels generate daily. This can vary depending on factors such as location, orientation, and shading. Your solar installer can assist in analyzing this data to estimate the amount of excess energy available for storage. Electricity Rates: Examine your current utility's electricity rates. This includes both the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and any additional charges or fees that may be applicable. Comparing these rates with your solar energy production and battery usage will reveal potential savings. Time-of-Use Tariffs: Some utilities offer time-of-use tariffs, where electricity rates fluctuate throughout the day based on demand. A solar battery allows you to take advantage of lower rates during off-peak hours when stored energy is utilized, further increasing your potential savings. By considering these factors while collaborating with a reputable solar company, you can accurately assess the potential savings that a solar battery can bring to your home. The combination of decreased reliance on traditional grid electricity and maximizing self-consumption of clean, renewable energy sets the stage for significant financial benefits.

So, how can you tell if your Air Conditioner needs a repair? Or maybe yet, a replacement. Its April and you are ramping up the use of your trusty AC, however, you are noticing something about it that is needing your attention. You may have come to realize that over the years your AC has already been through several repairs and remarkably, it's still going. The thing is, you might already need to replace it. Here are 5 common signs that you may have to get yourself a new air conditioner: 1. It No longer Cools the Room the Way it Should One of the most telling signs of an AC that is past its prime is that after several repairs, it just is no longer consistent when cooling your room. When you first turn it on, it just blows warm air, and then it takes more than a few minutes to come up with cool air. Even then, it is not as cool as it used to be. For some, it might just be a case of blockage in the duct or maybe a thermostat that needs to be replaced. But if it is something that is regularly occurring then it might be time to replace your AC. 2. It’s Making Some Strange Noises that Doesn't Go Away with Use Grinding, loud squeaking, rattling, and sometimes a little bit of sporadic banging from wherever inside your unit could be signs that wear and tear has already had its way with your AC. A normal operating AC of considerable quality would barely make noise when it runs. But if your unit is getting too loud and is unusually troublesome because of the racket, and, you just had it repaired the previous month. It might do you good to have it replaced eventually. 3. Strange Smells Coming from Your AC An AC that works well should be able to blow cold, crisp, and odorless air from its vent. However, if you smell something strange like a burning or a musty, moldy smell that doesn't go away, it's about time to check your local dealer for a new unit. In fact, something burning could even be an emergency as it needs to be checked immediately. 4. Moisture Build Up One of the conveniences of having an air conditioner is its ability to control humidity, if not eliminate it. This is so that you can enjoy a cool and dry environment where you don't feel sweaty or clammy. An air conditioner that is no longer working properly starts to accumulate moisture right on the unit itself. It sometimes drips out in drops of water, or you might see the front panel "perspiring". Worst case scenario, your unit is already leaking water right inside your room. Fogging windows and moisture in the ducts and vents are also signs of your evaporator coil that is no longer working properly. Mold and mildew can result from these situations and could cause health problems later on. 5. Your HVAC System is Already Old and Needs to Replaced All appliances have their own life expectancy as to when they are able to deliver optimal service right before they expire. In the case of your HVAC system, it should be useful inside of 10 years or more. Naturally, if your air conditioner is already more than 10 years old, even with proper maintenance it will definitely show some signs of aging that could be a combination of any of the first 4 signs discussed above. Anyhow, an older air conditioner even though it may seem okay may already be outdated or obsolete unless it has a lifetime warranty. You could be running higher bills in terms of energy consumption, more than how much you will be paying for a brand new, more energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly unit. The use of Freon (refrigerant) in older ACs has already been phased out, due to its effects on the ozone layer. It was replaced by R-410A (in newer models) which doesn't damage the ozone layer. An air conditioner that still uses freon is already subject to replacement. That goes for older units 10 years and above. The Benefits of Replacing Your Air Conditioner Better Performance No more problems with humidity and irregular cooling patterns. A new unit will deliver consistent cooling power which will keep you comfortable for as long as need it. Savings from Repair Costs If you find yourself paying more in repair costs that are accumulated versus purchasing a new AC, it would make a lot of economic sense to replace it instead. Better Energy Efficiency Newer models mean better technology which then translates to energy savings, all the way to money savings.

Planning to buy a new air conditioner for your home? Read this before making an informed decision! We love when our clients know why we choose and customize each homes air conditioning unit based upon their needs and size of their home. Purchasing an air conditioner unit is a great investment. You need to keep in mind certain factors such as the type of AC unit, your home requirements, comfort level, price, etc. while buying it. If you don't pay attention to these factors, you may end up spending your hard-earned money on the wrong product. That's why it is very important to understand the whole process before making a purchase. To help you with it, we are sharing 7 questions you should ask yourself when buying a new AC unit for your home. What Should Be The Size Of The Air Conditioner? Once you hire Semper Solaris, our experienced air conditioning crew will carry out Manual J load calculation. It is an HVAC industry standard method of calculating the size of the AC unit you need by considering certain factors such as the size of your home, orientation, layout, number of windows, size of windows, shade around your home etc. After determining these factors, our expert air conditioning technicians will provide you with the required AC size for your home. At Semper Solaris, we don't simply replace the old AC with the new one with the same capacity. What Is The Efficiency Level Of A New AC Unit? If you're living with an old air conditioner, you must have already known that its efficiency degrades over time. Although new systems are maintained regularly, they can't keep up their efficiency for a longer time. So, a good idea is to invest in a good-quality and energy-efficient Air Conditioner. Always look for an Energy Star Label of the product you're purchasing. This signifies that the AC meets the minimum energy requirements set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). What New Technology Should I Go For? Apart from the efficiency of the system, you should also look for the latest technology. Nowadays, a majority of ACs come with new technologies that make your air conditioning experience comfortable and also save money. When you buy an AC unit, look for the features like variable speed motors. This feature is very helpful in saving power and your electricity bills. What Is The Timeline For Installation? If you're buying an air conditioner to replace a broken or malfunctioning unit, you'll need to get a new system as soon as possible. This is extreme if it's a hot scorching summer. Most of the time, air conditioner installation is a time consuming process. It can easily take more than a day to install the system as it involves plumbing, electrical and ductwork coordination. Naturally, if the system is larger, it will require more time to install and may require several days to complete the process. At Semper Solaris, we provide you with the exact installation time for a new system or an air conditioner replacement. Who Will Perform The Installation? Installing an air conditioner is not something you can do on your own. It requires well-trained and certified professionals. All the air conditioning technicians at Semper Solaris are NATE-certified, which means they have passed the professionals tests and have a good amount of practical experience in the industry. Should I Purchase Additional Air Quality Components? The good news is, many technologically advanced air conditioning systems are able to perform several jobs all at once. They not only keep your home cool but also improves the air quality and regulates the humidity level. However, if your home is prone to airborne pollutants and leaks, you can add an indoor air quality component for improving the air quality. At Semper Solaris, we offer a wide range of ACs with new technologies. Not only that, we offer a broad range of air quality components such as air cleaners, dehumidifiers, UV lamps and ventilators. What Is The Estimated Cost For An AC Installation? We understand that you want to know what you're investing in and how much you're going to spend. Cost is one of the most important deciding factors when it comes to purchasing equipment. But the cost of installing an AC unit varies depending on certain factors like the size of your system, home cooling requirements, additional air quality components, other accessories etc. When you work with our air conditioning company, our expert technicians will provide you a reliable installation estimate so that you can plan further.

From businesses to homes, solar panel technology is used in numerous settings and industries. Beyond our planet, NASA uses solar panels on its satellites. These solar panels are produced by the same manufacturers that we at Semper Solaris use for our solar panel installations! Semper Solaris installs the finest solar panels on all of our installations We’re proud to be the recipient of multiple national solar power dealer awards. We choose only the best solar panels for good reason. If you’ve ever worried about the durability, efficiency, and effectiveness of solar panels, then you haven’t seen them in action. NASA’s Uses for Solar Panels NASA has used solar panels to explore the ice caps of Greenland, test the solar power capabilities of unmanned vehicles (crafted to explore distant planets like Mars), and create new possibilities for solar-powered aircraft. NASA used solar panels for a project in May 2013, GROVER (Goddard Remotely Operated Vehicle for Exploration and Research). Also known as the “Greenland Rover,” GROVER was operated entirely by solar energy. It received GPS coordinates from operators in Idaho, about 3,000 miles away from its location at the highest point of Greenland. Roughly 800 pounds, it was equipped with American-designed solar panels.GROVER was used to gather data in environments that would have been difficult or impossible for humans to work in. It used advanced radar technology to scan the depths of the ice and gather information. In the ice caps of Greenland, GROVER’s solar panels endured 30 mph winds and frigid temperatures as low as -22°F. Yet, for its five-week trial run, GROVER gathered its data, sustained by the ever-durable American-designed solar panels. GROVER wasn’t the only time NASA relied on American-designed solar panels. Not surprisingly, NASA experimented with drones (then called “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” or UAVs) long before they became available and popular in today’s market. One of these UAVs was named the Pathfinder Plus, and it was remotely piloted and powered by American-designed solar cells. In 1998, Pathfinder Plus set an altitude record: 80,201 feet. Many commercial airlines don’t fly far above 36,000 feet, which is less than half of the record for this unmanned aircraft! Another project culminated in 1999 when NASA worked together with Helios, a second-generation high-altitude, long-endurance (HALE) project, using similar unmanned vehicles. The panels were re-engineered into customized solar cells for Helios in order to create solar cells that would be able to survive the high air pressure of high altitudes and still create enough energy. These cells were also engineered to be as light as possible and to capture any and all scraps of light, even specifically light reflected off of clouds. In 2001, these new cells were efficient enough to enable Helios to set a new world record of over 96,000 feet. Efficient, American-Designed Solar Panels If solar panels designed in the US are the best option for NASA, they can be the best for your home or business. They’re efficient enough to capture light that reflects off of clouds and durable enough to withstand Greenland’s ice caps. Chances are, they’ll last long and work well on any sunny California rooftop!