
What to Expect: Final Inspection Roofing with Semper Solaris | Loca...

What to Expect after Installation – Final Inspection Roofing

Congratulations on your install!

Now that our team have finished your installation.. what’s next?

While enjoying your new roof, it is very easy to lose attention and miss some little yet significant details from the install. That is actually why it is extremely important for us to get one last assessment from the city, detailing everything we need to inspect to make your new home addition issue free.

We can’t make appointments until the day before and we won’t have an idea about the time period until the morning of the examination. Sometimes, there are a few examinations planned simultaneously and we can’t cover them all. Here and there, an inspection may cancel on us or even be late that we’re compelled to miss an inspection. Try not to Worry. Regardless of what comes up, we will manage it and ensure that we get a final approval from the city on your new home addition.


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