
Irvine | Solar Panels, Battery Storage, Roofing, HVAC

PREPARING FOR SOLAR STEP BY STEP If you are considering installing solar power in your home, but are not ready to take the plunge just yet, there are steps you can take that will move you in the right direction.  Taking small steps towards a renewable, sustainable lifestyle in your home will benefit you right away. It can be very motivating even before installing solar panels and other modalities for enhancing a clean and green way of life. Semper Solaris is the best solar company in Irvine, and we can help you make that move to solar power.  1. How Much Electricity Do You Use? The first and most crucial step is to become aware of the amount of electricity you are using.  This can be an eye-opener when you realize all the ways you waste energy. Appliances, even small ones left plugged in all the time can be a drain and hidden cost. You can get an energy audit to help you identify how to achieve more energy efficiency.  Or you can use a device designed to measure the Kilowatt-hours for each device plugged in to find out the average cost on each device and appliance in your home. You will begin to see which tools and machines draw the most power and change them for more efficient means or keep them turned off when not in use. 2. Are You Leaking Electricity? According to Berkley labs, "Many household appliances draw power in their 'standby' mode,"… "These include common household appliances such as televisions, cable boxes, VCRs, answering machines, alarms, smoke detectors, cordless phones, fax machines, video games, even rechargeable electric toothbrushes.  Energy specialists call this "leaking electricity" because the devices are using energy without performing their principal function." Switch to less power-hungry devices if you can.   Use a smart plug for standby devices and turn off the ones that don't. Switch to batteries and other power sources for some devices using rechargeable batteries if you can  3.  What about Those large appliances? Larger appliances like washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, and HVAC, use up the lion's share of energy.  If they are older and not energy efficient, they consume an excessive amount of power. You will reduce your consumption considerably by replacing your appliances with Energy Star certified appliances.  You may even be eligible for rebates and incentives for energy efficiency upgrades to offset the cost.  Replacing your appliances will end up saving you a ton and is a significant step in moving your home to maximize energy efficiency and sustainability. 4. Retrofitting your home Net-Zero homes are built from the ground up for energy efficiency.  A net-zero home uses solar power exclusively as a power source. "A net-zero home produces as much energy as it uses" over a year, hence, net-zero energy usage.   The only option for homeowners who want to achieve maximum energy efficiency is retrofitting their home.    Add more insulation and Weatherize your home.  Most homes are inadequately sealed and leak a significant amount of cooled or heated air.   Replace lighting with LED bulbs.  They use 75 percent less power.  Use motion sensor lights in rarely used hallways and areas  Use Dusk to Dawn sensor lights for your front porch or anywhere you want lights to go on at night and stay on.  Install a Smart Thermostat to minimize HVAC usage when you don't need it.  If you want to get the maximum benefit from retrofitting your home for energy efficiency, here are  12 Cost-Effective Steps to Zero Energy Retrofits. All the steps above are a good start towards a sustainable, green home.  You will be prepared to get the most out of your solar panel installation in Irvine. 5. Taking the Final Step Solar Power is the most efficient and cost-effective renewable energy in the world.   Solar panels will save you money whether you buy or lease them. You will further reduce your energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint. We can help you prepare for the move to rooftop solar, including the financing of your solar power. Semper Solaris offers the best solar panel installation in Irvine.  We are on the frontier of solar energy.  Call us today and let's plan for your rooftop solar.