
Borrego Springs | Solar Panels, Battery Storage, Roofing, HVAC

While panning the night sky in Borrego Springs, no errant lighting casts a mist over this extraordinary canvas of stars glowing against a pitch-black sky. Stargazing is the thing to do with these very starry skies at night. In fact, Borrego Springs is a place to enjoy nature both day and night. Solar Panel Installation in Borrego Springs yields quiet enjoyment. And at night, the sleepy solar cells retire, until tomorrow when they will begin another day of harnessing the power of the sun. Solar power has no moving parts, does not create any waste or pollution of the air or water. It makes no noise and is the perfect form of electricity for preserving natural surroundings. Light Pollution According to an article in World Atlas, "Light pollution is the existence of artificial light sources in what would otherwise be a naturally dark setting." There are five types of light pollution.  Glare - light bouncing off reflective surfaces Light trespass - light shining into personal space from some outside source Skyglow - aerial view of all the light produced in a city and its surrounding area Light clutter - disorganized light like along roadways Over-illumination – overuse of lights for brightness and the amount of time left on. Light pollution can affect the natural ecosystem just as other types of pollution affect the environment by interrupting the nocturnal creatures who need darkness for their activities, some even for hunting and breeding. In fact, baby turtles, newly born on the beaches, use the light from the moon to scurry into the ocean for the very first time. Light pollution obscures the ability for the little creatures to find their way—and some of them don't make it to their new home at all.  Dark Sky Community Borrego springs sit very close to downtown San Diego with the bright lights illuminating the city sky and beach communities. But the village of Borrego Springs is a designated "international dark sky" community. No stoplights and minimal nighttime lighting preserve the natural, dark sky ambiance. Light pollution in this beautiful natural environment does not exist. Surrounded by a state park, pristine is the best description for this town. Here in Borrego Springs, the environment matters.  Semper Solaris offers the best solar installation in Borrego springs. Reduce your carbon footprint, enjoy the quiet, the clean air, the beautiful starry nights along with stargazers and animals alike. Solar Power for your Borrego Springs Home The benefits of solar power for protecting the environment are well known. Cutting our carbon footprint is the key to cleaner air and a safer, unpolluted environment. The Borrego Springs Community understands the importance of preserving the desert ecosystem balance. And with the added component of reducing light pollution at night, this city is a unique example of the best practices in balancing the interests of the population with nature. Semper Solaris is the best Solar Company in Borrego Springs. We have years of experience in the installation of solar power in the diverse communities of San Diego County. Borrego Springs is on the forefront of protecting the environment and preserving the dark skies for the night time habitat and stargazers alike. We can help you with the best options for your unique situation.  The addition of a solar backup system is a good idea for your home and community, giving you options for off-grid operations. Borrego Springs as a municipality operates on a microgrid system. Homeowners are following suit so that there is less reliance on traditional utility companies and more independence from the grid. Borrego Springs as a designated Dark-sky community means that Borrego Springs is forward-thinking and aware of preserving their surroundings for future generations.  Semper Solaris is the solar contractor in Borrego Springs that will help get your solar system up and running in no time. We can help you with the discounts and financing available to you, which will offset the cost of installation. And you will save big by going solar not only for the environment but your pocketbook. Call us today and let us help you go solar.